Section Name Description
Course Description Folder Text Book

Main Textbook:

[1] Principles of Power System, V.K .Mehta

[2] Power Plant Engineering, G. R. Nagpal


[1] Power Station Engineering and Economy, B.G.A. Skrotzki, W.A. Vopat

[2] Electrical Power Station Design, Deshpande.

File Assessment Strategy
File Course Profile_EEE 449
Lecture Module 01: Energy Resources File Lecture on Energy Resources
URL Video tutorial on Energy Resources
URL Supplementary Video Tutorial on energy sources for power generation.
Lecture Module 02:Steam Power Plant File Lecture on Steam Power Plant
File Lecture silde on mathematical problem on steam Power Plant
URL Video tutorial on Steam Power Plant
URL Supplementary video tutorial on Thermal power plant structure and working principle.
URL Analyse the video on steam power plant and answer the given questions.
Lecture Module 03: Hydro Electric Power Plant File Lecture on Hydro Power Plant
File Lecture Slide on Mathematical Problem on Hydro Power Plant
URL Video tutorial on Hydro Power Plant
Page Supplementary Video tutorial on Hydro power plant structure and working principle

Lecture Module 04: Gas Turbine Power Plant. File Lecture on Gas Turbine Power Plant
URL Video Tutorial on Gas turbine Power Plant
URL Supplementary video tutorial on combined cycle power plant
Page Answer the question given in the video
Lecture Module 05: Nuclear Power Plant File Lecture Slide on Nuclear Power Plant
File Lecture Material(Note) on Nuclear Power Plant
URL Supplementary video on Nuclear Power Plant
Page Answer the question given in the video

See the video and answer the ongoing questions during the video.

Class code: napgosj 

Lecture Module 06: Solar power Plant File Lecture material 1: Basic operation principle of solar cells
File Lecture Material 2: PV-module
File Lecture Material 3: Grid Connected PV System
File Lecture Material 4: Battery Design & Sizing
URL Video tutorial of Lecture Module on Solar Power Syatem
URL Supplementary video tutorial on Solar Power Plant
Lecture Module 07: Wind Power Plant File Lecture on Wind Power
URL Video Tutorial of Lecture Module on Wind Power System
Lecture Module 08: Power Plant Performance Analysis File Lecture on Power Plant Performance Analysis
File Lecture slide on mathematical Problem
URL Video Tutorial of Lecture Module on Power Plant Performance Analysis
URL Supplementary video tutorial on power plant performance
Lecture Module 9: Economics of Power Generation File Lecture module on Economics of Power Generation
URL Supplementary video tutorial on Economics pf Power Generation
Lecture Module 10: Tariff File Lecture on Tariff
URL Video Tutorial of Lecture Module on Tariff
URL Supplementary video tutorial on tariff plan
Presentation Slide File Presentation Instruction