
Opened: Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 11:59 PM
Due: Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 11:59 PM


Assignment Title: On demand drawback and solution  of existing network infrastructure at your faculty during online education. 

Student need to follow the below instructions:

1. Hand writing and make it in pdf is preferable

2. Cover page with valid information

3. Aims and objective must be introduced

4. Introduction of the work is mandatory

5. Details description of the said topic ( Network working principle of Existing Network of Faculty of Engineering,drawbacks finding and corresponding solution. Description and simulation software is preferable)

6. Conclusion and references need to be enclosed

7. Read the topic from various places, and write it in your way. Tying to copy from others must be avoided.

8. 3-5 pages are preferable

9. Submit it within due time.