1. Abraham Maslow’s- Hierarchy theory
Abraham Maslow's theory is useful for both personal development and workplace growth. People are motivated by five basic categories of need: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualisation.
2. Henry Mintzber-Managerial role
Henry Mintzberg's managerial roles are based on the concept that managers are engaged in interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. In the end decisional roles involve the allocation of resources, engaging in negotiations on behalf of the group.
3. Winslow Taylor’s -Scientific Management Theory
Winslow Taylor’s theory is an important because its approach to management is found in almost every industrial business operation across the world. Its influence is also felt in general business practices such planning, process design, quality control, cost accounting.
4. Henri Foyol’s- Principle of Management
Principal Management can be viewed as an effort made for accomplishing the organizational goals, objectives and vision through planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling all the business activities accordingly.
5. Mc Gregor’s- Theory of X and Theory of Y
Theory of X and Theory of Y plays an important role in how we perceive our colleagues and, in turn, how they perform in the workplaces manager.