1. Abraham Maslow's- Hierarchy theory
Answer :- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was first introduced in Abraham Maslow’s 1943 paper, “A Theory of Human Motivation“. Maslow later refined this theory in 1954 with his book, motivation and personality Since then, this theory has remained a popular subject in sociology, management training and psychology classes.
2. Henry Mintzber- Managerial roles
Answer :- Mintzberg shows a substantial difference between what managers do and what they are said to do. On the basis of work activity studies, he demonstrates that a manager's job is characterised by pace, interruptions, brevity, variety, and fragmentation of activities, and a preference for verbal contacts. Managers spend a considerable amount of time in scheduled meetings and in networks of contacts outside meetings.
3. Winslow Taylor's- Scientific Management Theory
Answer :- Taylor's philosophy focused on the belief that making people work as hard as they could was not as efficient as optimizing the way the work was done.
In 1909, Taylor published "The Principles of Scientific Management." In this, he proposed that by optimizing and simplifying jobs, productivity would increase.
Answer :- Henri Fayol was a prominent scientist who was considered to be among the first few who laid a foundation for scientific management. He gave us 14 principles of Management which are based on certain fundamental truths and act as guiding principles for decision making and other managerial responsibilities.
5. Mc Gregor's - Theory of X and Theory Y
Answer :-T heory X and Theory Y were first explained by McGregor in his book, the human side of enterprise and they refer to two styles of management – authoritarian (Theory X) and participative (Theory Y).