Explain the following theories

Objective of theories

Objective of theories

by Nisrat Islam -
Number of replies: 1

1.Abraham Maslow's-Hierarchy theory:
Maslow's hierarchy theory is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior.Those need are physiological needs,safety needs,love and belonging needs,esteem needs and self actualization needs.

2.Henry Mintzberg-Managerial roles:
Henry Mentzberg's managerial roles are 10 roles of managements.These 10 roles are divided up into three categories.The categories are Interpersonal,Informational and Decisional.One can use Mintzberg's 10 management roles for developing his/her own skills and knowledge.

3.Winslow Taylor's-Scientific Management Theory:
Winslow Taylor's Scientific management theory helps to improve economic efficiency of any workplace.In this theory Winslow Taylor explains his process of using scientific studies to analyze, optimize and standardize workflow.

4.Henry Foyol's-Principal of management:
Henry Fayol's principal of management theory is 14  principals of management.These prinpals are universally accepted guidelines for managers to do their job according to their responsibility.The manager must act according to the 14 principals of management in order to reach the goal.

5.Mc Gregor's-Theory of X and Y:
Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human work motivation and management.The two theories describe contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational development. Management use of Theory X and Theory Y can affect employee motivation and productivity in different ways, and managers may choose to implement strategies from both theories into their practices.