Forum Discussion

Discuss about some literary theories

Discuss about some literary theories

by Shazzadul Hoque Bhuiyan -
Number of replies: 1

First of all, this course is about "Literary Theory". This name itself is showing the uniqueness and dissimilarity from other courses. As I am a student of literature as far as I have read materials which was related to the history of English literature. But this course is literally different from those courses especially for the way of learning. As through these course I can analyze the importance of literature and theory. I have already learned some basic things about literary theory and connect between them. So now I would like to choose any five literary theory and mention 3 three points about those topic.

*Liberal Humanism
1. Liberal humanism is a literary theory that was popular at the end of the 1800’s and beginning 1900’s.
2. It understands literature, poetry to be timeless.
3. Look for the individual’s identity.

1. Structuralism was concerned with identifying the units of conscious experience.
2. Based on Wundt’s beginnings this focuses on the structure of the mind and how it works.
3. Focus: Each thought is believed to come from an experience or thought about something else.

*Feminist criticism
1. Feminist criticism is the literary analysis that arises from the perspective of feminism or feminist theories.
2. Woman presented in literature by male writers from male point of view.
3. Woman presented in writing of female writers from female point of view.
4. Focus on analyzing gender equality and the promotion of women’s right.

1. Postcolonialism refers that the political or cultural condition of a former colony.
2. Postcolonialism examines how societies, government and peoples in the formerly colonized regions of the world experience international relations.
3. It is also a set of theories regarding art and culture dealing to colonialism problems.

1. Ecocriticism is the study of the relationships between culture and the more than human world.
2. It takes an Earth centered, ecological approach to cultural studies.
3. It gives importance to the relationship between human beings and nature, how are human beings affecting nature and vice versa.

Thank You.
Shazzad (191-10-2013)



345 words