Forum Discussion

Learnings from Introductory Sessions.

Learnings from Introductory Sessions.

by Anamika Biswas -
Number of replies: 1

The introductory sessions of the course "Literary Theory" consist of some basic idea about "theory" and "literary theory". Well, I have learnt the definition of theory and literary theory. And I came to know about some theories related to literature.

Here, I am writing about 5 literary theories by mentioning 3 points of each of them.

1/ Liberal Humanism :

* According to this theory, literature has to be timeless and it reveals the universal truth about humanity.

*This theory was produced in the interest if the bourgeois class which came to power in the second half of the seventeenth century.

* According to this theory, literary text contains its own meaning withing itself.

2/ Formalism :

* Formalism is an interpretive approach that emphasized literary form and the literary devices or figure of speeches withing the text.

* According to formalism, author or the context isn't necessary to know. Only the narrative is essential.

* This theory focuses on the study of poetic language.

3/ New Criticism :

* This theory started in 1920's and 1930's.

* This theory explores the world within the text.

* This theory takes a text as an autonomous object, non-related to the author, the culture.

4/Structuralism :

 This theory works to uncover the structures that underlie all the things that humans do, think, perceive, and feel.

* Analyse a text relating it to some larger containing structure.

*Interpret literature in terms of a range of underlying parallels with the structures of language. 

5/ Post-structuralism : 

* This theory is a rebellion against the structuralism.

* Studies the underlying structures inherent in texts. 

* Utilizes analytical concepts from linguistics, psychology, anthropology and other fields. 

These are the 5 theories which I wanted to point out in this feedback forum. Thank you.

Anamika Biswas.

ID : 191-10-1993 


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