Discussion Forum

Markovnikov rule

Markovnikov rule

by Samiul Islam 221-29-579 -
Number of replies: 3

Which does not follow Markovnikov rule?

In reply to Samiul Islam 221-29-579

Re: Markovnikov rule

by Shahina Banu 221-29-594 -
Free radical addition reactions do not obey Markovnikov's rule since the regioselectivity of the mechanisms of these reactions is not predicted by Markovnikov's rule. These reactions are generally referred to as Anti-Markovnikov addition reactions.
In reply to Samiul Islam 221-29-579

Re: Markovnikov rule

by Moshiur Rahman 221-29-600 -
In addition reaction of unsaturated hydrocarbon, the double/triple bonded carbons which has equal number of hydrogen don't follow Markovnikov rule.