If someone have to eat egg for his diet but also has heart problem, what does he can do ?

If someone have to eat egg for his diet but also has heart problem, what does he can do ?

by Sumaiya Rahman 211-34-1150 -
Number of replies: 1

He should not have a whole egg if he has heart problem, cause  egg yolk is full of fat which might effect has heart condition. Also egg contains high cholesterol which is very harmful for a person with heart disease. 

he can have only the boiled egg white, otherwise can a substitute of egg but low in cholesterol  like lean meat.

In reply to Sumaiya Rahman 211-34-1150

Re: If someone have to eat egg for his diet but also has heart problem, what does he can do ?

by Arifa Sultana -
Eggs are a nutritious whole food which are an inexpensive source of protein and contain other nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin D, B12, selenium and choline.Most healthy people can eat up to seven eggs a week without increasing their risk of heart disease. Some studies have shown that this level of egg consumption might even help prevent certain types of stroke and a serious eye condition called macular degeneration that can lead to blindness.