academic reading and writing

academic reading and writing

by Nasrin Akter -
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I'd 196( Nasrin Akter) 26F

      Job or business 

Introduction :a job is a full time or part time employment in which you  cater to a job in live of money. and a business is a relative organization that is set up with a business goal where to or more people are involved to achieve a pre defined goal business which is the best. 

comparing job vs business :

1.Risk:running a business is far bigger than being in a job.In a no matter what kind of work you do you are always getting betting in direction which increase your chances of getting rehired even if you lose a job. As a business owner, when you start a business you will have to spend time learning multiple things. Plus the employers will be skeptical after seeing a business written on your rofile you can be kicked out of a job and yet. find new job and you can lose your business overnight and starting new a finding a job will be a nightmare. job is better than business. 

2.Money:there is no limit on how much and how fast you can earn as a business owner whereas in job you will have to wait for a creatin period to take the next hike no matter how good you are.  Heance,business is better than a job. 

3.Security:a successful business is much more secure then a successful employee.however, is per the current statistics,only 20% of the business can survive 2 years of starting. 

4.Satisfaction: As per the studies it is claimed that 30% of walking individuals are not satisfied with their job. On the  other hand a business owner will 80% of he time be satisfied with the what they are doing they are are the freedom to choose. 

Contrasting job :

1.Stabillity: Job relatively stable income, with consistent working hours. On the other hand, business income is variable with walking  hours. 

2.Income potential:Job limited to fixed salary or hourly wage,and business unlimited to earn profits and grow the business. 

3.Skills and experience :job Maine request sacrifice education and training. but business requires a combination of various skill and experience. 

Conclusion :In a concluding we can say, business is better between job and business, because so far when we are comparing and contrasting between job and business we found that business has many advantage which are not present in job. 

so in my opinion business is better than job.