Opportunities exist for getting funds from national and international organizations especially for conducting research into latest areas, development of technologies and processes for solving real life problems and saving human life from catastrophic situations, creating new concepts for a sustainable world. The question is: why would a donor give funds to a researcher? Obviously, the application or proposal must be able to convince the donor that the purpose of funds would be fulfilled by the researcher. The trick is therefore in writing a convincing grant proposal. Writing a successful grant proposal is is challenging and also competitive. In the present time, lots of foundations, corporations, private industries, and government agencies worldwide announce funding leads round the year. However, their purposes are different according to the funding categories. Nonetheless, evaluation strategies for selecting a deserving applicant are strict. Each required criteria for the fund must be adequately covered and justified with evidence.
The current workshop will cover only main overall criteria. In this beginning session, brainstorming and sharing experience will take place among the participants to enlighten them with the knowledge and skills of fundamentals of grants and grant proposals.