Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

Number of replies: 19
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by MD RANA -

I think nuclear power generation will be the most suitable power generation for our country in the future. Although it has high risk to control but it provides us more power than any other power generation. Yes, renewable energy takes place instead of nuclear power but power produce by renewable energy is so much low than any other energy. And our weather is not suitable to produce large power by renewable energy. on the other hand, our natural gas will be finished within 20-30 years so it is not possible to produce power by natural gas in the long term. Power produces by oil is a very high-cost generation that is almost impossible for developing countries like Bangladesh. And power generation by coal is very harmful to nature because it emissions co2 that increases the temperature of the air.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakib Hassan Eon -

For a country like Bangladesh, it's my opinion that SOLAR ENERGY means solar electric energy will be the game-changer in the future. According to my observation, solar energy is the safest and reliable energy nowadays. Majorly there have almost no environmental issues and I feel its most cost-efficient technique for a developing country like Bangladesh. If we think about other power plants like coal, oil, gas, etc based power plant they pollute our environment. We also don't have a huge reserve of those that's why its also costly for us to import Gas, oil, or coal from abroad. There is a very important factor called Energy safety, it's also don't insure our energy safety. that's why we can't go for them. Then If we think about the Nuclear power plant then its too complex and it has a very strong bad side. There are a lot of examples in history about the Nuclear power plant accident and a huge amount of people die there and it also pollutes the environment for a very long time and very dangerously. There is another term called radioactive dust is also a big matter of concern for a country like Bangladesh. we cant effort the NUclear Dust. Nuclear energy also not renewable energy that's why it doesn't ensure our energy security. Probably we don't have enough chance to go for the hydropower plant. If environmentally it's possible then we can go for the hydropower plant also.

So if we can install solar panels in every home or we can set up the solar power plant it should be the most efficient and good strategy in the future for a country like Bangladesh

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Arifur Rahman 172-33-4126 -
It has been demonstrated with a proper mathematical projection that in order to full fill the demands of this large population of Bangladesh government needs to undertake initiatives towards building more renewable energy plants. Proper cost analysis has been demonstrated and relative challenges associated with the application of renewable energy sources have also been discussed. The different season would be suitable for different kinds of renewable energy sources. Looking at their intermittency a complete plan of matching demand with generation in the different season have been presented. Within a few years by taking necessary steps towards implanting similar plans looks like the only lternative in solving current energy crisis for power generation in Bangladesh.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Anup Kumar Modak -

According to my opinion Solar Energy is will most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh . Now , Our energy production is depends on natural gas but it’s resource will used within ten years or less time . And another resource are Import based in Bangladesh .Nuclear could be a solution but here is safety issue and it’s use is more complex and it is more harmful for health . And Nuclear is also import based energy .  So these  sources are  not perfect for energy security . For a country energy security is most important factor . Beside that world temperature is increasing day by day . So , Renewable energy is solution . But we have not more scope to produce energy by water . So it is limited .  Wind could be a option  but in our country wind flow is certain . As a result Bangladesh has only one option for energy security . It is solar based power generation . But it’s Production  cost  is hug and now it’s efficiency is poor .But I think in future cost will reduce . If cost  would not reduce then it will solution .Because of energy security and environmental issue .

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by MD. Mamon -

In my opinion, considering the current scenario of Bangladesh , waste can be an important sector or source for electricity generation.

Since the industrial revolution, waste has been a major environmental issue worldwide.  Wastes are materials we don’t need and thrown as trash.

Waste can be solid or liquid. Liquide waste can come in non-solid form. Example of liquid waste include wash water, liquid used to clean in industries. On the other hand, solid waste in any garbage and rubbish we make at our home or any places. Examples of solid waste include car tyres, newspapers, broken glass, broken furniture and even food waste.

Due to proper planning of wastage that comes from industry, household, and others sector it becomes a big problem for the Bangladesh. Not only for the environmental damage but also it creates so many problems like it damage or reduce the fertilization capability of soil, river water becomes toxic and it also need a place to store. This type of waste can easily catch fire, explode and be poisonous to human health.

I want to refer a paper title “Bangladesh waste database 2014”

This report covers 271 urban localities in Bangladesh of which 10 cities/city corporations, 106 are Category A pourashavas, 96 are Category B pourashavas, 56 are Category C pourashavas and 3 are defined as a special category.

Total domestic urban waste generation: 11,808.463 tons per day during the dry season.

In order to include the portion of waste generated from non-domestic sources in the estimates, the total domestic urban waste generation amount is multiplied by a factor to produce an estimate for the amount of total urban waste generation: 20,900.98 tons per day during the dry season, or 29,261.37 tons per day during the wet season.

The total daily urban waste generation average is estimated to be 23,687.78 tons per day or 0.56kg per capita per day.

Energy from municipal solid waste:

Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage, is used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants and at landfills in the United States.

In 2018, 68 U.S power plants generated about 14 billion kilowatthours of electricity from burning 29.5 million tons of combustible MSW. Biomass materials accounted for about 64% of the weight of the combustible MSW and for about 51% of the electricity generated.

Since in Bangladesh there are a huge amount of waste and from the above scenario we can see there are a possibility to get a good amount of electricity from waste.

So, I think according to the perspective of Bangladesh   this can be very important sector to generate electricity that is from Waste. 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Atikul Islam -

I think hydro is the large and most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh. Respectively other sources like oil, coal , natural gas, hydro energy are contributed for generating electricity. Hydroelectricity is electricity made by generators that are pushed by the movement of water. It is usually made with dams that block a river to make a reservoir or collect water that is pumped there. When the water is released, the pressure behind the dam forces the water downpipes that lead to a turbine. This causes the turbine to turn, which turns a generator which makes electricity. This renewable energy method makes about one sixth of the world's electricity. It produces less pollution than the fires of steam engines do. Some places such as Norway and Quebec get most of their electricity this way.

Hydroelectricity is electricity produced from hydropower. In 2015, hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity and was expected to increase by about 3.1% each year for the next 25 years.

Hydropower is produced in 150 countries, with the Asia-Pacific region generating 33 percent of global hydropower in 2013. China is the largest hydroelectricity producer, with 920 TWh of production in 2013, representing 16.9% of domestic electricity use.

The cost of hydroelectricity is relatively low, making it a competitive source of renewable electricity. The hydro station consumes no water, unlike coal or gas plants. The typical cost of electricity from a hydro station larger than 10 megawatts is 3 to 5  US cents per kilowatt hour. With a dam and reservoir it is also a flexible source of electricity, since the amount produced by the station can be varied up or down very rapidly (as little as a few seconds) to adapt to changing energy demands. Once a hydroelectric complex is constructed, the project produces no direct waste, and it generally has a considerably lower output level of greenhouse gases than photovoltaic power plants and certainly fossil fuel powered energy plant.

The way the electricity is produced does not harm the environment as much as fossil fuels like oil or coal do. Hydroelectricity is very powerful and safe, and produces no waste.

An important advantage of hydroelectric dams is their ability to be used as a peaking power plant. When the electricity demand declines, the dam simply stores more water. Water that has been stored in a reservoir can be released (let go) when needed, so the energy can be made quickly. Some hydroelectricity generators use pumped storage to store excess energy (often during the night), by using the electricity to pump water up into a basin. Electricity can be generated when demand increases. This flexibility also makes hydroelectricity a good match for less controllable intermittent energy sources. When the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining, hydroelectricity can be created. So ,  in the end i want to tell that hydroelectricity is the very large and most future prospect for power generation of Bangladesh.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by A.S.M. Shahriar Habib -

I think solar power and wind mill can be the best for power generation in future in Bangladesh. As we know, the power generation of Bangladesh is mainly dependent on natural gas and oil. These are not renewable. So the stock of these resources will be finished one day. We should not use nuclear power plant as this is a country of natural disasters. Solar power can be used from any part of this country. Besides there are huge amount of coastal areas at the southern part of our country.We can use the wind power to generate electricity. So, we can use solar power and wind power as the main resource of generating electricity in future.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md. Fozla Rabbe -

Now a days it’s a natural energy source of electric power. Though it is renewable energy but it takes huge amount of place but produce low power.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Al-Mamun Emon -

One-third of the power production of Bangladesh depends on expensive imported fossil fuel energy resources and 65% of power generation depends on a natural gas reserve of the country, though one day the reserve of current gas will be diminished. Moreover, inadequate electricity production leads the country in a un-industrialization. The present and future crucial energy crisis situation adapted by installing renewable power into electricity production. The current renewable energy agenda of Bangladeshi government force the specialization of renewable energy generation budget by decreasing global pollution with saving movement of biomass, solar, hydro, wind, and tidal power sector. This paper presents the currents national energy scenario of Bangladesh. We can use solar power and wind power as the main resource of generating electricity in future.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Tofaiel Ahamed -

In my opinion, considering the current scenario of Bangladesh , waste can be an important sector or source for electricity generation.

Since the industrial revolution, waste has been a major environmental issue worldwide.  Wastes are materials we don’t need and thrown as trash.

Waste can be solid or liquid. Liquide waste can come in non-solid form. Example of liquid waste include wash water, liquid used to clean in industries. On the other hand, solid waste in any garbage and rubbish we make at our home or any places. Examples of solid waste include car tyres, newspapers, broken glass, broken furniture and even food waste.

Due to proper planning of wastage that comes from industry, household, and others sector it becomes a big problem for the Bangladesh. Not only for the environmental damage but also it creates so many problems like it damage or reduce the fertilization capability of soil, river water becomes toxic and it also need a place to store. This type of waste can easily catch fire, explode and be poisonous to human health.

I want to refer a paper title “Bangladesh waste database 2014”

This report covers 271 urban localities in Bangladesh of which 10 cities/city corporations, 106 are Category A pourashavas, 96 are Category B pourashavas, 56 are Category C pourashavas and 3 are defined as a special category.

Total domestic urban waste generation: 11,808.463 tons per day during the dry season.

In order to include the portion of waste generated from non-domestic sources in the estimates, the total domestic urban waste generation amount is multiplied by a factor to produce an estimate for the amount of total urban waste generation: 20,900.98 tons per day during the dry season, or 29,261.37 tons per day during the wet season.

The total daily urban waste generation average is estimated to be 23,687.78 tons per day or 0.56kg per capita per day.

Energy from municipal solid waste:

Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage, is used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants and at landfills in the United States.

In 2018, 68 U.S power plants generated about 14 billion kilowatthours of electricity from burning 29.5 million tons of combustible MSW. Biomass materials accounted for about 64% of the weight of the combustible MSW and for about 51% of the electricity generated.

Since in Bangladesh there are a huge amount of waste and from the above scenario we can see there are a possibility to get a good amount of electricity from waste.

So, I think according to the perspective of Bangladesh   this can be very important sector to generate electricity that is from Waste.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md.Dider Mian -

I think renewable energy is most suitable in future for Bangladesh.although at present natural gas is highest electricity generating source but it is continuing to decrease

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Naim Islam -
Power generation is one of the major concerns for the developing countries around the world with their limited energy sources. Bangladesh without any doubt is faced with the same set of challenges as the energy sources continue to deplete. However, Renewable energy sources continue to be the most easily available and suitable alternative. As a number of natural gas reserves continue to decrease, amount of power generated from renewable energy sources has to be increased. In this work, we present a complete analysis of current energy resources and their usage condition in Bangladesh. A projection is made from the current condition to predict the possible energy scarcity in near future. Looking at the current situation Bangladesh finds itself in a desperate situation to address future power generation challenges near the year 2050. Here a possible solution to this intimidating challenge through renewable energy sources is represented and their possible implications are also discussed. A cost analysis and relative challenges to implement that technology are also investigated with greater details.

I think renewable energy is most suitable in future for Bangladesh.

Sources:IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shahin Alam -

I think, renewable energy is most switable in future in bangladesh. Because world temperature increasing day by day. so renewable energy is,solar power plant is most switable. 

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakil Hossain -

Power generation is one of the major concerns for the developing countries around the world with their limited energy sources. Bangladesh without any doubt is faced with the same set of challenges as the energy sources continue to deplete. However, Renewable energy sources continue to be the most easily available and suitable alternative. As a number of natural gas reserves continue to decrease, amount of power generated from renewable energy sources has to be increased. In this work, we present a complete analysis of current energy resources and their usage condition in Bangladesh. A projection is made from the current condition to predict the possible energy scarcity in near future. Looking at the current situation Bangladesh finds itself in a desperate situation to address future power generation challenges near the year 2050. Here a possible solution to this intimidating challenge through renewable energy sources is represented and their possible implications are also discussed. A cost analysis and relative challenges to implement that technology are also investigated with greater details.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md.Mehedi Hasan -

I think solar power and wind mill can be the best for power generation in future in Bangladesh. As we know, the power generation of Bangladesh is mainly dependent on natural gas and oil. These are not renewable. So the stock of these resources will be finished one day. Nuclear could be a solution but here is safety issue and it’s use is more complex and it is more harmful for health . And Nuclear is also import based energy .  So these  sources are  not perfect for energy security . For a country energy security is most important factor . Beside that world temperature is increasing day by day . So , Renewable energy is solution . But we have not more scope to produce energy by water . So it is limited .  Wind could be a option  but in our country wind flow is certain . As a result Bangladesh has only one option for energy security . It is solar based power generation . But it’s Production  cost  is hug and now it’s efficiency is poor .But I think in future cost will reduce . If cost  would not reduce then it will solution .So, I think according to the perspective of Bangladesh   this can be very important sector to generate electricity that is from Waste.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shamim Ahmed -

Biomass Energy has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh . 

As an agricultural country, Bangladesh possesses the potential for power generation from biomass sources.Cattle dung, agricultural relic, poultry droppings, water hyacinth, rice husks etc. are available in Bangladesh for biomass power generation. Common biomass resources are rice husk, crop residue, wood, jute stick, animal waste, municipal waste, sugarcane bio-gases etc. At present, countrywide there are 25,000 bio-gas plants and over 0.20 million ameliorate ovens have been installed to save biomass fuel. More than 900 briquetting machines have been operating in the country on commercial basis.

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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Tanha Bhuiyan ID:171-33-393 ; PC-B -
In my opinion, I guess The solar energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in our country.Solar energy offers some key qualities like having no waste and emission, resulting no adverse effects on the environment and ideally suited for distributed resource applications. The government has recently taken many steps to address this fact. Concurrently, some Non-government Organization (NGO) is working to provide solar panels to consumers and the price of these panels, at present, is very affordable.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Shakil Hossain -
I think so about this matter.For our future power generation of Bangladesh.The most of important solar and wind power generation system.Because it is one of the best renewable energy source of power generation in our Bangladesh.If we try to increase the energy system in our country so,we can solve our electricity problems to easily.
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Re: Group Discussion: In your opinion, Which energy source has the most future prospect for power generation in Bangladesh.

by Md Abir Hasan -
Solar energy is one of the most potential renewable energy resources in Bangladesh as solar radiation falls on an average of 5kWh/m 2 with over 300 sunny days per annum.