Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-02: Health Education

regarding the issues related to Health Education

regarding the issues related to Health Education

by swapan kumar roy -
Number of replies: 0

1. What do you think about the health education of COVID-19 ? 

health education of COVID-19 can play a critical role in prevention of disease, promotion of health, developing programmes, monitoring and evaluation of health systems.

community engagement is crucial in breaking the transmission chain and preventing further community outbreak. Preventive steps cannot stand alone and must be taken together, by all of us, to ensure maximum effectiveness.

2. Do you think that Health education is a powerful weapon to tackle the spread of infectious disease? 

yes and why is powerful weapon described below-

Minimizing the transmission of infectious diseases health education have a

  1. Hand washing: Wash hands with soap and warm water frequently, especially after using the restroom. Give children enough time to properly wash their hands.
  2. Stay home when ill: Strongly suggest that ill children and staff stay home when ill. Avoid close contact with others during the infectious period.
  3. Education: Be informed about signs, symptoms and prevention of diseases. Share information with students and parents. Learning how diseases are transmitted can help to actively prevent the spread of disease.
  4. Disinfect surfaces: Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Focus especially on frequently touched surfaces at home, work and school.
  5. Vaccinate: Be sure to check immunization status of children for those diseases that can be prevented with vaccines.
  6. Seek care: Visit your health care provider when ill to get diagnosed and treated properly.