Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-02: Health Education

Lecture 2 forum discussion related to Health Education

Lecture 2 forum discussion related to Health Education

by Umalkair Abdilahi -
Number of replies: 0

1- What do you think about the health education of COVID-19 ? 

Health education and promotion are important components of disease prevention activities in general, but during disease outbreaks and health emergencies, they play a key role in an active response by offering well-established tools (especially important in the absence of specific drug therapies and vaccines) to communicate and engage quickly and effectively with the public and prevent infections. 

Using  Mass Media through this kind of awareness is more helpful during health education of COVID109

*STAY HOME except to get medical care. Do not use public transportation, taxis, or rideshare services if sick.

* Call first before visiting your health care provider. Notify them of your symptoms and the need for evaluation for COVID-19. Follow the instructions provided by your health care team.

* Whether symptomatic or not, find a testing center in your area for testing. Continue to quarantine until you are confirmed as negative.

* Separate yourself from other people in your home. Isolate yourself to a single room; utilize a separate bathroom

* Wear a facemask. Family members providing care should wear a facemask when in the same room.

* Use your elbow to cover your coughs and sneezes or cough and sneeze in a tissue and dispose of in a lined trash can. Wash your hands with soap and water afterward.

* Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

2-. Do you think that Health education is a powerful weapon to tackle the spread of infectious disease? 

Absolutely yes, Minimizing the transmission of infectious diseases is a core function of public health. very simple example; Immunization is a successful and cost-effective public health strategy that saves millions of lives each year. 

Screening individuals to determine if they have been infected with or exposed to an infectious disease is a core public health strategy. Early treatment has important public health benefits; for example, people receiving treatment for tuberculosis and HIV infection are less likely to transmit the infection to others. Routine, voluntary HIV testing benefits both affected individuals and their intimate partners by facilitating early access to prevention, care and treatment services.

Health promotion and disease prevention programs often address social determinants of health which influence modifiable risk behaviors. by empowering behavior change and actions through increased knowledge. Examples of health education strategies include courses, trainings, and support groups.