Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-02: Health Education

Discussion about health education

Discussion about health education

by Jobida Tamanna -
Number of replies: 0
1. Health education of COVID19: In any outbreak response, community engagement is crucial in breaking the transmission chain and preventing further community outbreak. This also applies to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) we are now facing. For this response we should follow some roles that may effective to prevent the spread of disease. Such as health education about COVID19 are- 

1. Stay at home to prevent transmission. 

2. Wear a mask to prevent droplets from spreading. 

3. Monitoring possible symptoms. 

4. Maintain hand hygiene and other preventive measures. 

5. Do not share utensils and wash them separately. 

6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 

Obviously i think health education is the powerful weapon to tackle the spread of COVID19 infection.