Assignment/Term Paper Details

Opened: Friday, 11 February 2022, 12:00 AM
Due: Wednesday, 11 May 2022, 11:59 PM

Assignment Topic 1: Site Visit Report on Washing Factory 

Type: Group-wise/Individual 

Submission Deadline: August 21,2021


Chapter 1: Factory Profile 

Chapter 2: Description of Different Sections

  • Compulsory Section: a) Sample Section, b) Dry Process Section, c) Wet Process Section, d) Quality Section, e) Testing Section
  • Optional Section: a) ETP, b) Store Section, c) Merchandising, d) HR section, e) Maintenance Section etc.

Contents of Each Section: Layout, organogram, process flow chart, machinery, quality control, description of activities, reports etc.)

Chapter 3: Impact of Site Visit

Contents: Write what you have learnt from different sections (section mentioned in chapter 2)?

Chapter 4: Conclusion

Assignment Topic 2: Assigned Research Article/Topic 

Type: Individual 

Submission Deadline: August 21,2021


Chapter 1: Introduction to the topic with objectives (What about the topic and why chosen to find what?)

Chapter 2: Methodology (How the work is done?)----optional for topic

Chapter 3: Experimental Works/Data or Evidence (What have done in the paper?)---optional for topic

Chapter 4: Results and Discussion (What are the outcomes?)---optional for topic

Chapter 5: Conclusion (What are the final results and recommendations?)

Chapter 6: Findings (Write about what you have learnt from the paper?)


(Note: For topic there will be a Chapter 2: Description of the Assignment in replace of Chapter 2,3,4)