Chapter 4: Details Lesson Plan

Title: Wet Processes of Garments Washing

Ref. No: TE 417/10-16

Target Population: 30-40

Duration: 7 session of 420 minutes

Learning Outcomes (LOs): At the end of the session participant will be able :

  • To identify the purposes of specific wash process.
  • To classify and describe the steps required for individual wash process.
  • To describe the precautions, problems with probable solutions for different washes.
  • To compare among different wash processes.
  • To identify and describe different faults of washing with their remedies.
  • To take measures for avoiding shade variation problem on fabric prior washing.


Method or Technique

Resource or Aid


Introduction: Welcome address,  Rapport building, Bridging topic , Layout/ content outline, Attendance, Pre-assessment

Lecture, Q/A

White Board, Online Platform

15 x10=150 mins


Section  A: Overview of garments washing

Section B: Specific Wash (Normal,pigment,caustic,enzyme,bleach,stone,stone   enzyme, super white,acid,silicon wash,Enzyme bleach, foam bleach, towel bleach)

Contents for Each Wash: Wash objectives, wash procedure with steps, wash precautions, washing problems with solutions, wash comparison, washing faults with their remedies, special requirements for washing, particulars details for different washes, associated problems prior washing)   





Lecture, Discussion, Group Work





White Board, MMP, Online Platform





30x 10=300 mins

Conclusion: Recap main points,  Feedback & answer,  Assessment of LOs, Reference , Forward plan

Discussion,   Q/A, Quiz

 White Board, MMP, Online Platform

 15x10=150 mins

Equipment & aids:  Optional

Last modified: Saturday, 22 May 2021, 12:27 AM