Chapter 7: Details Lesson Plan

Title: Garments Testing

Ref. No: TE 417/26-27

Target Population: 30-40

Duration: 2 session of 120 minutes

Learning Outcomes (LOs): At the end of the session participant will be able :

  • To name different test requisitioned by clients.
  • To describe different compulsory tests asked by buyer.
  • To identify different tests requirements standard of clients.
  • To describe the particulars of required approvals for an order.


Method or Technique

Resource or Aid


Introduction: Welcome address,  Rapport building, Bridging topic , Layout/ content outline, Attendance, Pre-assessment

Lecture, Q/A

White Board, Online Platform

15 x2=30 mins


Section  A: Overview of garments testing and its industry

Section B: Garments Testing (Contents: Objectives of testing, details on compulsory tests, test requisition form, test requirements standard of buyers for different regions,  approval particulars from buyers for an order)





Lecture, Discussion, Group work





White Board, MMP





30x 2=60 mins

Conclusion: Recap main points,  Feedback & answer,  Assessment of LOs, Reference , Forward plan

 Discussion, Q/A, Quiz

White Board, MMP, Online Platform

15x2=30 mins

Equipment & aids:  Optional

Last modified: Saturday, 22 May 2021, 12:56 AM