Discussion on Structuring Your Project

Discussion on Structuring Your Project

Discussion on Structuring Your Project

Number of replies: 22

Discuss a real-life scenario for your own project. Think about the entities, the attributes and relations among them.

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Nasrin Borsha -

Group Members: 1.Nasrin Akter Borsha 182-15-2133 2.Rishad Amin Pulok 182-15-2117 3.Md. Sefatullah 182-15-2103 Project Title: Hospital Database Management System Description: Our project is about a hospital database management system. We plan to design such a database that consists all kinds of information that are related to a hospital. This project will help us to find diverse queries about a hospital. In our project a collection of information will be stored in tables in the forms of rows and columns. There will be several entities having different kinds of attributes which will help us to identify the entities. There will be relationship between the entities to describe them properly. We have thought various entities related to our project. Possible entities list is given below 

1. Hospital 
2. Patient 
3. Doctor
 4. Nurse
 5. Bill
 6. Ward
 7. account 
8. Test 
1. Patient to test one to many 
 2. Doctor to patient one to many 
 3.Doctor to test one to many 
 4. hospital to doctor one to many 
 5. Hospital to ward one to many
 6. Patient to ward one to many
 7.patient to bill many to many 
 8. Nurse to patient one to many

In reply to Nasrin Borsha

Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Sefatullah . -
Group Members: 1.Nasrin Akter Borsha 182-15-2133 2.Rishad Amin Pulok 182-15-2117 3.Md. Sefatullah 182-15-2103 Project Title: Hospital Database Management System Description: Our project is about a hospital database management system. We plan to design such a database that consists all kinds of information that are related to a hospital. This project will help us to find diverse queries about a hospital. In our project a collection of information will be stored in tables in the forms of rows and columns. There will be several entities having different kinds of attributes which will help us to identify the entities. There will be relationship between the entities to describe them properly. We have thought various entities related to our project. Possible entities list is given below 1. Hospital 2. Patient 3. Doctor 4. Nurse 5. Bill 6. Ward 7. account 8. Test relationship: 1. Patient to test one to many 2. Doctor to patient one to many 3.Doctor to test one to many 4. hospital to doctor one to many 5. Hospital to ward one to many 6. Patient to ward one to many 7.patient to bill many to many 8. Nurse to patient one to many
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Najua Ferdush Mim -

Saloon Management 

Group Members:

Najua Ferdush Mim 182-15-2217

Abdullah Al Shaykat 182-15-2105

Md. Sazedur Rahman 182-15-2169

Real-Life Scenario :

1.First, “Customer” will take an appointment from the ’’Employee’’ to take various kind of service from them.

Customer Table:

Customer table has a Customer _ID which is primary key of this table, and this table have also some attribute, these are Customer _name, Customer _address, Phone _Number, Customer _age, payment.


2.Customer will wait for his ‘’appointment’’ date and time.

Appointment Table:

Appointment table has a Appointment _ID which is primary key of this table, And this table have single attribute that’s Appointment _date


3.After getting the appointment customer will go the saloon.


4.Then customer will take ‘’Services’’ from the ‘’Employee’’ which he desired.

Employee Table:

Employee table has a Employee _ID which is primary key of this table, and this table have also some attribute, these are Employee name, phone number, address, salary, job _title.

Services Table:

Service table has a Service _ID which is primary key of this table, and this table have also some attribute, these are hair cut, quantity.


5.Then Customer will get  ‘’Bills’’ for taking services.

Bills Table:

Bills table has a Bill _ID which is primary key of this table, and this table have single attribute that’s Bill _amount.


6.By paying the bill their will be a ‘’transaction’’ between ‘’Customer’’ and ‘’Employee’’.

Transaction Table:

Transaction table has a Transaction _ID which is primary key of this table. And this table have single attribute that’s Transaction _date.


Relationship Between All Entity’s:

1.Customer and bills has one to many relationship.

2.Customer and appointment has one many relationship.

3.Customer and transaction has one to many relationship.

4.Employee and Customer has many to one relationship.

5.Transaction and services has many to one relationship.

6.Bills and transaction has one to many relationship.

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Intesarul Haque Tomal -

Group Members:

Intesarul Haque Tomal - 182-15-2170

Abu Rashed Khan - 182-15-2155

Al Mahin Saad - 182-15-2222

Project Name : Library Management System

Project Description : There are 9 possible Entities(can be added more). This project will help a reader to buy/order,borrow or read only books.Each books and members will have primary ID and other informations. Member type can be student or other people. Employees can be manager,supplier or delivery man,their info will be added also. Only member can borrow books on a date and return it on time. They can also re-issue the books By extending time. If they don't re-issue on time,they will be fined accordingly. A Reader/customer can also place an online/offline Orders so there will be quantity,price and transaction. Customer's details will also be added. Every books author's details will be there. Number of attributes can also be increased.

Entity & attribute list:

1. Addbook (Book_id,Book_Name,Book_Code,category,Type(Borrow, Read only, Order),Date,Price) - Foreign key (author_id) 

2. AddMember (Member_id, Name, DOB, Gender, Address, Email, Contact no,student_id, Member-Type(Student,Other))

3. Book_Lend (record_no,issue_date,return_date) - Foreign Keys (member_id,book_id)

4. Book_Return (return_id,fine,late_days) - Foreign Keys (member_id,book_id)

5. Orders (Order_no,Order_date,Quantity) - Foreign keys(cus_id,book_id)

6. Customer (Cus_id,Cus_name,address,gender,phone) 

7. Transactions (transaction_id, Price, payment_method) - Foreign keys (order_no,book_id)

8. Employee (Emp-id,Emp_name,number,address,type,salary,stats,dob) - Foreign key (Cus_id)

9. Author ( author-id,name,phone,dob,gender,address)

Relationship -

Add_member entity has relationship with book_lend and book_return

Add_book has relationship with book_lend, book_return, Orders, Transaction and Author

Customer has relationship with Employee and Orders

Orders has relationship with Transction, Customer and Add_book

Employee has a relationship with Customer

Transaction has a relationship with orders

Book_lend has relationship with add_book and add_member

Book_return has relationship with add_book and add_member

Author has a relationship with add_book

Note: If you have any suggestion Sir,Please enlighten Us .

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Md Saiful Islam Sajib -

Saiful Islam Sajib - 182-15-2147

Mizanur Rahman - 182-15-2146

Arifur Rahman Siflu - 182-15-2111

Project Name : Pay-roll Management System.

Project Description: 

Our project is about a pay-roll management system. We plan to design such a database that all kinds of information related to a pay-roll .This project is built keeping in mind that it is to be used by only one user that is the admin. It is built for use in small scale organization where the number of employees is limited. I would like to implement a regular backup mechanism to back up the employee database to avoid disasters .The system can be developed in such a way that its existing features can be modified to better version.

Possible entities list is given below :

1. Company (cmp_id,cmp_name,cmp_address,cmp_contact_no)

2. Department (dept_id,dept_name) - Foreign key(cmp_id)

3. Employee (emp_id,emp_name,emp_mbl_no,emp_DOB,emp_DOJ,emp_city,emp_email,emp_job_tittle) - Foreign keys(dept_id,transaction_id)

4.Projects (project_id,project_name,project_number,location) - Foreign keys-(dept_id,emp_id)

5. Pay-roll (transaction_id,emp_salary_year,emp_salary_year) - Foreign key(emp_id)

6. Pay grade (grade_id,grade_name,grade_bonus,over_time) - Foreign key(dept_id)


1. Company to Department has one to many relationship.

2. Department to Employee has one to many relationship.

3. Employee to Project has one to many relationship.

4. Department to Project has one to many relationship.

5. Employee to Payroll has many to many relationship.

6.Payroll to Paygrade has one to one relationship.

7.Paygrade to Department has many to one relationship.

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Sohag Raha -


Group Members:

    1. Sohag Raha(182-15-2164)

    2. Palash Mandal(182-15-2092)

    3. Arup Ratan Nag(182-15-2138)

Project Description:

    Our project is about e-commerce management system. Already we have designed ER diagram and relational schema that is build in all types of information are related to e-commerce.This project will collaboration us to find various queries about e-commerce. In our project accumulation of  information will be gathered in the tables in the forms of rows and columns. Here will be different entities having various types of attributes which will help us to noticed the entities. Now here will be a relationship between the entities to describe them properly.

Now we write down the possible entities are given bellow:









1)Customer and order(one to many)

2)Customer and payment(one to many)

3)Order and payment(one to many)

4)Seller and product(one to many)

5)Admin and product(one to many)

6)Categories and product(one to many)

7)Order and product(one to many)

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Arup Ratan Nag -


Group Members:

    1. Sohag Raha(182-15-2164)

    2. Palash Mandal(182-15-2092)

    3. Arup Ratan Nag(182-15-2138)

Project Description:

  Our project is about e-commerce management system. Already we have designed ER diagram and relational schema that is build in all types of information are related to e-commerce.This project will collaboration us to find various queries about e-commerce. In our project accumulation of  information will be gathered in the tables in the forms of rows and columns. Here will be different entities having various types of attributes which will help us to noticed the entities. Now here will be a relationship between the entities to describe them properly.

Now we write down the possible entities are given bellow:









1)Customer and order(one to many)

2)Customer and payment(one to many)

3)Order and payment(one to many)

4)Seller and product(one to many)

5)Admin and product(one to many)

6)Categories and product(one to many)

7)Order and product(one to many)

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Md. Shahariar Rahaman -

Group Members: 

 1. Adnan Rahaman Pranto 182-15-2093 

 2. Md. Shahariar Rahaman 182-15-2112 

 3. Md. Tahsan Hossain 182-15-2127


 Project Name: Restaurant management system. 

 Description: Our project is about a restaurant management system. We try to a database design such database that provide all Kind of information about restaurant. From this database Customer can order the food item and they get food from our waiters. We can also sorted the information of chefs and waiters. In our project a collection of information on will be sorted in tables in the forms of rows and colums. There will be relationship between the entities and they have different kind of attributes. There will be relationship between the entities and we have to describe them property.

 Now, The name of our entities are given below.

1. Customer

 2. Order

 3. Food menu

4. Waiter

5. Chef

6. Restaurant

 Here, Show the relationship between entities.

 i. Order and Customer - One to many

ii. Order and Waiter - One to One

iii. Order and Food menu - One to Many

iv. Food menu and Chef - One to One

v. Chef and waiter - One to One

vi. Restaurant and Chef - One to Many

vii. Restaurant and waiter - One to Many

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Telecom Management Systems

by Durjoy Sen(172-15-1510) -

              Telecom Management system

Group Members:

           1: Durjoy Sen


           2: Probhu Prosad Borman


Project Description:

The main intention of introducing this system is to reduce the manual work at telephone department offices. Every sort of task is performed by the system, such as registering different types of applications, enquiries, and complaints etc. reducing mush paper work and burden of file storage. Also, the latest information is right available for the officials and executives wherever they require. the system also facilitates the customer to enquire about their application progress, bills and directory enquiries such as enquiry by telephone, by name etc.

There are a lot of benefits to the organization by placing the system at their offices bill payment centers, E-sea centers. At the same time the customers are also benefited using this system. They can get latest information they require within no time


ER Diagram Link:


Schema Link:



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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Probhu Prosad -

Telecom Management system

Group Members:

           1: Durjoy Sen


           2: Probhu Prosad Borman


Project Description: 

The main intention of introducing this system is to reduce the manual work at telephone department offices. Every sort of task is performed by the system, such as registering different types of applications, enquiries, and complaints etc. reducing mush paper work and burden of file storage. Also, the latest information is right available for the officials and executives wherever they require. the system also facilitates the customer to enquire about their application progress, bills and directory enquiries such as enquiry by telephone, by name etc.

There are a lot of benefits to the organization by placing the system at their offices bill payment centers, E-sea centers. At the same time the customers are also benefited using this system. They can get latest information they require within no time


ER Diagram Link:


Schema Link:


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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Palash Mandal -

Project Name : 

E-Commerce Management System

Group Member :

1. Palash Mandal (182-15-2092)

2. Sohag Raha (182-15-2164)

3. Arup Ratan Nag (182-15-2138)

Project Description:

Our project is about e-commerce management system. Already we have designed 

ER diagram and relational schema that is build in all types of information are 

related to e-commerce.This project will collaboration us to find various queries 

about e-commerce. In our project accumulation of information will be gathered

in the tables in the forms of rows and columns. Here will be different entities 

having various types of attributes which will help us to noticed the entities.Now 

here will be a relationship between the entities to describe them properly.

Entity :








Attributes :



3.phone number













16.phone number







23.phone number










1.Customer and order (one to many)

2.Customer and payment (one to many)

3.Order and payment (one to many)

4.Seller and product (one to many)

5.Admin and product (one to many)

6.Categories and product (one to many)

7.Order and product (one to many)

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Mohammad Abdullah 181-15-2051 -

Group Member

Mohammad Abdullah

Md. Rahazul Amin

Md. Firoz Mahbud Konok.  

We are discuss about our project  also discuss who to build up it. 

The Railway Management System facilitates the passengers to enquire about the trains available on the basis of source and destination, Booking and Cancellation of tickets, enquire about the status of the booked ticket, etc. The aim of case study is to design and develop a database maintaining the records of different trains, train status, and passengers.    

This project contains Introduction to the Railways Management system .It is the computerized system of reserving the seats of train seats in advanced. It is mainly used for long route. On-line Management has made the process for the Management of seats very much easier than ever before.  

In our country Bangladesh, there are number of counters for the Management of the seats and one can easily make Managements and get tickets. Then this project contains entity relationship model diagram based on railway Management system and introduction to relation model 

.There is also design of the database of the railway Management system based on relation model.  

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Md. Ashraful Alam Akif -

Group Member:

Name: Jacky Mong Marma                        ID: 182-15-2132

Name: Md. Mobarok Hossen                     ID: 182-15-2187

Name: Md. Ashraful Alam Akif                 ID: 182-15-2225 

Entities in Bus Management System:

·       Bus_Table

·       Employee_Table

·       Passenger_Table

·       Station_Table

·       Route_Table

·       Ticket_Table


Attributes in Bus Management Project

·       Bus_Table:

BusID, BusName, BusNumber, Busmodel, BSeats, BType

·       Employee_Table:

EmployeeID, Ename, BusID

·       Passenger_Table:

Pname, PTicketID, PGender, PMobileNumber

·       Station_Table:

SID, SName

·       Route_table:

RID, RstationCode, RdepartTime, ArriveTime

·       Ticket_table:

TID, TBusnumber, Source, Destination, Tcost

Project Description: We will design database for bus management system. Here our entities are Bus table, Employee table, Station table, Ticket table, Route table and Passenger table. Every table have many attributes. In the below we also design ER diagram And Schema diagram. From the Schema diagram we will develop SQL. From the SQL we get some result and we also find the many query from our SQL. I think this project is useful for mini bus company and also useful for our University.
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Jacky Mong -
Group Member:
Name: Jacky Mong Marma ID: 182-15-2132
Name: Md. Mobarok Hossen ID: 182-15-2187
Name: Md. Ashraful Alam Akif ID: 182-15-2225
Entities in Bus Management System:
• Bus
• Passenger
• Reservations
• Schedule
• Aminities
• Tracking

Attributes in Bus Management Project
• Bus:
Bus_id, Max_Seat, Orign, Destination, Fare.
• Passenger:
Pass_Id, Name, MoBile_no, Email, Gender.
• Reservations:
PNR, dateOfTravel, bookingDate, seatNo, direction, totalFare, status, Payment_Id, Paymentstatus.
• Schedule:
UpDown, Arrival, Departure.
• Aminities :
AC, Wifi, Sleeper, Meals.
• Tracking:
TrackingID, locaton,ArriveTime.
Description: We will design database for bus management system. Here our entities are Bus , Passenger, Reservations, Schedule, Aminities and Tracking table. Every table have many attributes. In the below we also design ER diagram And Schema diagram. From the Schema diagram we will develop SQL. From the SQL we get some result and we also find the many query from our SQL. I think this project is useful for mini bus company and also useful for our University.
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Ashrak Shohas -
Group Members:
1.Ashrak Al Arif Shohas 182-15-2171
2.Meherab Hossain 182-15-2143
3.Mahedi Hasan Bijoy 182-15-2150
Project Name: Movie Store Database

The application developed in an offline movie store which stores several movies where people can search movies according to their choices. They can search movies by their country choices, can find movies by director of their choices. In this project we provided 5 entities and these 5 entities contains several attributes too. Brief description of those entities and attributes will be given in project report. We also provided search operation for this project.
In reply to Ashrak Shohas

Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by S.M. Safat Manzur Durjay(181 - 15 - 1758) -
Group Memberss:
1. S.M. Safat Manzur Durjay 181-15-1758
2. Sha Taskin 182-15-2212
3. Md Mostofa Kamal 182-15-2097
Project Name : Student Management System

The student management is a database software that stores information about students and other things that related with students. There we used so many entities and different attributes. Relationship among these two are strong . In this system we used 11 entities and several attributes.
without these relationship on table we can not imagine a proper database . Its actually too much important to create a relationship among these. It holds data on the table and describe the importance of database. Here, in the given below we describes the entities and attribute of the student management system :

Primary key: department_id
Attributes: department_name

Primary key: employee_id
Foreign key: department_id
Foreign key: employee_type_id

Primary key: class_id
Attributes: class_name

Primary key: subject_id
Foreign key: class_id
Attributes: subject_name
Foreign key: employee_id

Primary key: employee_type_id
Attributes: employee_type_name

Primary key: student_id
Foreign key: class_id
Attributes: student_name

Primary key: collect_M_id
Foreign key: student_id

Primary key: collect_D_id
Foreign key: collect_M_id
Foreign key: fee_id

Primary key: fee_id
Attributes: fee_name

Primary key: fee_M_id
Foreign key: class_id

primary key: fee_D_id
Foreign key: fee_M_id
Foreign key: fee_id
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Mohammad Abdullah 181-15-2051 -
Mohammad Abdullah 181-15-2051

Md. Rahazul Amin 181-15-1896

Firoz Mahmud Konok 181-15-1891

Project Name : Railway Management System.

Project Description : The Railway Management System facilitates the passengers to enquire about the trains available on the basis of source and destination, Booking and Cancellation of tickets, enquire about the status of the booked ticket, etc. The aim of case study is to design and develop a database maintaining the records of different trains, train status, and passengers.
This project contains Introduction to the Railways Management system .It is the computerized system of reserving the seats of train seats in advanced. It is mainly used for long route. On-line Management has made the process for the Management of seats very much easier than ever before.
In our country Bangladesh, there are number of counters for the Management of the seats and one can easily make Managements and get tickets. Then this project contains entity relationship model diagram based on railway Management system and introduction to relation model
.There is also design of the database of the railway Management system based on relation model.

User User_id

passenger Passenger_id




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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Mehedi hasan Munna -
Student Keeping Record System
• Student records are often viewed as paperwork produced for the education bureaucracy. However, a well-designed student record system, whether using paper documents or automated systems, yields many benefits. The most important of these is the ability to report information for decision making about individual students, schools, programs, and school districts. A second benefit, particularly with automated systems, is efficiency in processing and exchanging student records among schools. When student records are added to an overall management information system that includes information on staff, materials, and budgeting for the school or school district, more management activities can be accomplished and efficiency will be improved. Student record systems, thus, play a key role in the overall functioning of the education system; but more importantly, they increase a school's ability to meet the needs of students.
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Ashraf Mahmud 181-15-2033 -

Group Members: 1. Md. Ashraf Mahmud Shadhin 181-15-2033 2.Rishad Amin Pulok 182-15-2117 3.Md. Sefatullah 182-15-2103 Project Title: Hospital Database Management System Description: Our project is about a hospital database management system. We plan to design such a database that consists all kinds of information that are related to a hospital. This project will help us to find diverse queries about a hospital. In our project a collection of information will be stored in tables in the forms of rows and columns. There will be several entities having different kinds of attributes which will help us to identify the entities. There will be relationship between the entities to describe them properly. We have thought various entities related to our project. Possible entities list is given below 1. Hospital 2. Patient 3. Doctor 4. Nurse 5. Bill 6. Ward 7. account 8. Test relationship: 1. Patient to test one to many 2. Doctor to patient one to many 3.Doctor to test one to many 4. hospital to doctor one to many 5. Hospital to ward one to many 6. Patient to ward one to many 7.patient to bill many to many 8. Nurse to patient one to many

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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by rishadun noor -
Student Keeping Record System
• Student records are often viewed as paperwork produced for the education bureaucracy. However, a well-designed student record system, whether using paper documents or automated systems, yields many benefits. The most important of these is the ability to report information for decision making about individual students, schools, programs, and school districts. A second benefit, particularly with automated systems, is efficiency in processing and exchanging student records among schools. When student records are added to an overall management information system that includes information on staff, materials, and budgeting for the school or school district, more management activities can be accomplished and efficiency will be improved. Student record systems, thus, play a key role in the overall functioning of the education system; but more importantly, they increase a school's ability to meet the needs of students
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Re: Discussion on Structuring Your Project

by Md. Nahid -
Our project name: BloodBank Management System

Project Overview:
Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is database system to link between the donors and blood banks and act as an interface for the patient to find his/her desired blood in a fast and efficient way. It will make the blood transfusion service and its management more reliable and efficient than the conventional system. There are 6 entities in this project like Donor, Blood, Blood Bank, receptionist, Blood Bank Manager ,Hospital and Orders. First of all will collect blood from the donor and then deposit it in the blood bank. The receptionist will collect blood from the donor andthen put it in the blood bank under the manager .There will be many types of blood in the blood bank. There are different types of blood prices in the blood bank. This database will contain a lot of blood bank data. If the Hospital will need any type of blood can be found in this database from any blood bank easily.
Database Structure:
The database consists of Seven Entity. The main tables are the blood, donor and blood bank , hospital ,Receptionist and blood Bank manager. The remaining table ‘donor Id’ is the relational table which links donor and Blood and Receptionist tables with its foreign keys.
Entity-------------------------------------------- Description
Donor-------------------------------------------- Contains all of the donor’s information who donate
Blood---------------------------------------------Blood Contains all of the Blood information like which type ofblood and cost of different type of blood.
Receptionist------------------------------------- Contains all of the Receptionist information who collect blood from donor.
Blood Bank Manager --------------------------Contains all of the Manager information of Blood Bank.
Blood Bank--------------------------------------- Contains all of the blood bank’s information.
Orders--------------------------------------------- Contains all of the orders information which hospital orders blood.
Hospital--------------------------------------------Contains all of the hospital information which needed Blood.