Forum for Discussion:Topic 1

my understanding

my understanding

by Asraful Islam -
Number of replies: 0

Assalamu Alaikum Sir, In this lecture I have learnt about Denim and Jeans, it's definition, it's history.  Denim is come from french word "SERGE DE NIMES" and jeans comes from french word Genoa,genes.

Jeans was invented in 1871 by jacob Davis.  In 1872 Levi's made jeans for gold fields people. Then it more popular in 19th century.  In this century it is the most popular things for teenagers. 

By learn this topic, Now i can differentiate between Denim and jeans. Moreover i can differentiate between Denim and Twill.

Now i have a clear idea about this topic. I have no problem sir. Thank you