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Basic structure

Basic structure

by Umma Salma -
Number of replies: 2

Basic structure: According to the Doctrine of Basic Structure, there are certain fundamental features or basic elements of a constitution that cannot be amended by the legislature, even if the amending power is explicitly granted by the constitution itself. These basic features are considered essential and form the bedrock of the Constitution, ensuring its identity and integrity.
1) Supremacy of the constitution which states in Article 7 of the constitution.
2) Democracy which states in the preamble.
3) Republican government which states in Article 1 of the constitution.
4) Independence of judiciary which states in article 22 of the constitution.
5) Unitary state which is mentioned in article 1 of the constitution.
6) Separation of powers which is mentioned in Article 22 of the constitution.
7) Fundamental rights which are mentioned in Article 26 to 47A of the constitution.
8)Article 7B which states Basic provisions of the constitution are not amendable