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Write 5 sentence about "Rule of LAW" 

Rule of Law

by Emon Hossain Bijoy -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal acces

Important provision of rule of law

by Afsana akter 221-26-465 -

article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

 Article 31 guarantees that to enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with law, is the inalienable right of every citizen, wherever he may be and of every other person for the time being with in Bangladesh, and in particular no action detrimental to the life, liberty, body, reputation or property of any person shall be taken except in accordance with Law. 

18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.

 Article 7 and 26 impose limitation on the legislature that no law which is inconsistent with any provision of the constitution can be passed. In accordance with Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Right to be governed by a representative body answerable to the people has been ensured under Articles 7(1), 11, 55, 56, 57 and 65(2) of the constitution

Rule of law

by MD. MAHIN ISLAM 213-26-437 -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

Rule of law

by Nusrat Jahan -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

The rule of Law

by Abu Rayhan -

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of law

by Sohaieb Parvaz -

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of law

by Sohaieb Parvaz -

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of Law


Rule of Law

The Constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place. According to the constitution of Bangladesh –

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.” In accordance with this pledge the following positive provisions for rule of law have been incorporated in the constitution:

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. Article 31 guarantees that to enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with law, is the inalienable right of every citizen, wherever he may be and of every other person for the time being with in Bangladesh, and in particular no action detrimental to the life, liberty, body, reputation or property of any person shall be taken except in accordance with Law. 18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102. Article 7 and 26 impose limitation on the legislature that no law which is inconsistent with any provision of the constitution can be passed. In accordance with Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. Right to be governed by a representative body answerable to the people has been ensured under Articles 7(1), 11, 55, 56, 57 and 65(2) of the constitution. [5] All these provisions of constitution are effective for ensuring rule of law in Bangladesh. But facts on the ground tell a different story altogether.

Rule of law

by sharmin akther ID: 213-26-417 -

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of Law

by Shohana Akter (213-26-450) -

The rule of law is the principle that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to and must abide by the law. It ensures that laws are applied consistently, fairly, and impartially, and that no one is above the law. Key aspects include legal certainty, equality, an independent judiciary, accountability, access to justice, respect for human rights, and limitation of government power. Upholding the rule of law is crucial for maintaining order, fostering trust in institutions, promoting justice, and safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

Rule of law

by Nirjona Akter -

The rule of law is a basic feature of the Constitution of Bangladesh. The preamble of the constitution enunciates the ideals of rule of law, fundamental human rights, justice, equity, political, economic and social rights.

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

Rule of Law

by Sanzida rahman Any -

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

The rule of law

by Estiaq Antw -

The rule of law is the principle that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to and must abide by the law. It ensures that laws are applied consistently, fairly, and impartially, and that no one is above the law. Key aspects include legal certainty, equality, an independent judiciary, accountability, access to justice, respect for human rights, and limitation of government power. Upholding the rule of law is crucial for maintaining order, fostering trust in institutions, promoting justice, and safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

Rule of law

by Shahrin Ahmed (221-26-509) -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place.

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.''

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.

 Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Rule of Law

by Asiana Afsin Ridita 221-26-485 -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place.

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.''

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.

 Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Rule of Law

by Asiana Afsin Ridita 221-26-485 -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place.

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.''

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.

 Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Rule of law

by Rownok Zahan -

Rule of Law

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of Law

by Shahrin Ahmed (221-26-509) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rules of law

by Kanij Azad Nipa -

Rule of Law

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

The rule of law

by Md.Naimul Islam (213-26-412) -

The rule of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, including Bangladesh. It refers to a system where laws are applied consistently and impartially, and both the government and individuals are bound by the law. The rule of law ensures that everyone is treated equally, has access to justice, and is protected from arbitrary exercise of power.

  • Judicial Independence: The independence of the judiciary is crucial for upholding the rule of law. Concerns have been raised about potential political influence or interference in the judicial process, including appointments and transfers of judges.
  • Access to Justice: Ensuring equal access to justice for all citizens is a key aspect of the rule of law. However, there may be barriers to accessing justice, such as financial constraints, lack of legal aid, and delays in the judicial process.
  • Corruption: Corruption can undermine the rule of law by eroding public trust and confidence in the legal system. Efforts have been made to combat corruption in Bangladesh, but it remains a significant challenge.
  • Human Rights: Protecting and promoting human rights is an integral part of the rule of law. Bangladesh has made progress in this area, but there have been concerns about human rights violations, including freedom of expression, assembly, and the treatment of marginalized groups .

Rule of law

by Rifah Tasnim Kabbo -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place. It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.” In accordance with this pledge the Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. Article 31 guarantees that to enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with law, is the inalienable right of every citizen. 18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102. Article 7 and 26 impose limitation on the legislature that no law which is inconsistent with any provision of the constitution can be passed. In accordance with Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. Right to be governed by a representative body answerable to the people has been ensured under Articles 7(1), 11, 55, 56, 57 and 65(2) of the constitution. All these provisions of constitution are effective for ensuring rule of law in Bangladesh. 


by Rifah Tasnim Kabbo -

The rule of law is the principle that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to and must abide by the law. It ensures that laws are applied consistently, fairly, and impartially, and that no one is above the law. Key aspects include legal certainty, equality, an independent judiciary, accountability, access to justice, respect for human rights, and limitation of government power. Upholding the rule of law is crucial for maintaining order, fostering trust in institutions, promoting justice, and safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

Rule of laws

by Rifah Tasnim Kabbo -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by Rifah Tasnim Kabbo -

Rule of Law

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of law

by Suriya Benta jamal -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by Sadik Kallol(221-26-473) -

The rule of law is the political philosophy that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders.The rule of law is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as "the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power."[3] The term rule of law is closely related to constitutionalism as well as Rechtsstaat and refers to a political situation, not to any specific legal rule

Preventing Detention and Tyoes of Preventing Detention

by Umme Tashrif Arora 221-26-478 -

Preventive detention is an imprisonment that is putatively justified for non-punitive purposes, most often to prevent (further) criminal acts.

Types of preventive detention

There is no universally agreed definition of preventive detention, and multiple types of detention are sometimes considered a form of preventive detention.

Usually, preventive detention is the detention of a convicted criminal who has served their sentence, but is considered too dangerous to release. In that case, the detention is considered "preventive" in that it is not intended to punish or deter the criminal, but to prevent the criminal from committing further crimes and/or also protect the public.

This article focuses on both this type of preventive detention and detention of a person without trial or conviction by a court. Its purpose is to not to punish a person for their past offences, but to prevent him from committing an offence in the near future.

Rule of law

by Umme Tashrif Arora 221-26-478 -

The rule of law is the political philosophy that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders.The rule of law is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as "the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power."[3] The term rule of law is closely related to constitutionalism as well as Rechtsstaat and refers to a political situation, not to any specific legal rule.

Rule of law

by Santa Akter -

Name: Santa Akter


Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of Law

by Rokibul Islam 221-26-491 -

Rule of Law

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of law

by Suriya Benta jamal -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place.

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.''

***Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

  • 18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.
  •  Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

5 sentence about rule of law

by Nusrat Jahan (221-26-500) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

5 sentence about rule of law

by Nusrat Jahan (221-26-500) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by S.M.Rafsun Jami sadin (221-26-487) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

5 sentence about rule of law

by Afroj Mahajabin Lisa( 221-26-497) -

The rule of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, including Bangladesh. It refers to a system where laws are applied consistently and impartially, and both the government and individuals are bound by the law. The rule of law ensures that everyone is treated equally, has access to justice, and is protected from arbitrary exercise of power.

Rule of law

by Afroj Mahajabin Lisa( 221-26-497) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

5 sentence about Rule of LAW

by Sorna Rahman (221-26-461) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by Murtaza Fahmid -

The rule of law is the principle that all individuals, including government officials, are subject to and must abide by the law. It ensures that laws are applied consistently, fairly, and impartially, and that no one is above the law. Key aspects include legal certainty, equality, an independent judiciary, accountability, access to justice, respect for human rights, and limitation of government power. Upholding the rule of law is crucial for maintaining order, fostering trust in institutions, promoting justice, and safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

Rule of law

by Most.sharmin Islam 221-26-489 -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place. It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.” In accordance with this pledge the Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law. Article 31 guarantees that to enjoy the protection of the law, and to be treated in accordance with law, is the inalienable right of every citizen. 18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102. Article 7 and 26 impose limitation on the legislature that no law which is inconsistent with any provision of the constitution can be passed. In accordance with Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. Right to be governed by a representative body answerable to the people has been ensured under Articles 7(1), 11, 55, 56, 57 and 65(2) of the constitution. All these provisions of constitution are effective for ensuring rule of law in Bangladesh. 

Rule of Law

by Abu Sazal Emam -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

5 sentence Rule of law

by Sanjida Rahaman Asha (221-26-483) -

The rule of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, including Bangladesh. It refers to a system where laws are applied consistently and impartially, and both the government and individuals are bound by the law. The rule of law ensures that everyone is treated equally, has access to justice, and is protected from arbitrary exercise of power.

Rule of law

by MST.Azmary Adia Shoshi (221-26-505) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law


The rule of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, including Bangladesh. It refers to a system where laws are applied consistently and impartially, and both the government and individuals are bound by the law. The rule of law ensures that everyone is treated equally, has access to justice, and is protected from arbitrary exercise of power.

Rule of law

by A. M. Kawsar(213-26-418) -

The rule of law is a fundamental principle in any democratic society, including Bangladesh. It refers to a system where laws are applied consistently and impartially, and both the government and individuals are bound by the law. The rule of law ensures that everyone is treated equally, has access to justice, and is protected from arbitrary exercise of power.

In the context of Bangladesh, the rule of law is enshrined in the Constitution and is considered an essential pillar of the country's legal system. The Constitution establishes a democratic framework with separation of powers, an independent judiciary, and guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms for all citizens.

However, like any other country, the implementation of the rule of law in Bangladesh can face challenges. Some issues and concerns that have been raised include:

  1. Judicial Independence: The independence of the judiciary is crucial for upholding the rule of law. Concerns have been raised about potential political influence or interference in the judicial process, including appointments and transfers of judges.

  2. Access to Justice: Ensuring equal access to justice for all citizens is a key aspect of the rule of law. However, there may be barriers to accessing justice, such as financial constraints, lack of legal aid, and delays in the judicial process.

  3. Corruption: Corruption can undermine the rule of law by eroding public trust and confidence in the legal system. Efforts have been made to combat corruption in Bangladesh, but it remains a significant challenge.

  4. Human Rights: Protecting and promoting human rights is an integral part of the rule of law. Bangladesh has made progress in this area, but there have been concerns about human rights violations, including freedom of expression, assembly, and the treatment of marginalized groups

Rule of law

by Naurin Jahan Nila 213-26-413 -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access. 

Rule of Law


Rule of Law

The rule of Law is one of the basic and general principles of the constitution. It is characterized in the words of Max Weber as – “legal domination as an idea of government of law rather than an idea of men.’’

So, in essence rule of law means that everyone from the government to its officials, together with citizens should act according to the law.

The doctrine of rule of law has been described as supremacy of the law. This means that where there is rule of law no person can be said to be above the law, even the functions and actions of the executive organ of the state shall be within the ambit of the law.

Rule of law

by Swapon Mia -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of Law

by Khaled Mahamud -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

Rule of LAW

by munna hasan joy -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

Rule of law

by Sadik Kallol(221-26-473) -

The rule of law is the principle that no one is above the law and that laws must be applied equally to all people. It ensures that government actions are subject to legal constraints and that individuals have legal protections against arbitrary and abusive actions. The rule of law is a cornerstone of a democratic society and essential for protecting human rights and promoting justice. Without the rule of law, there is a risk of corruption, abuse of power, and social instability. Upholding the rule of law is therefore critical for maintaining a fair and just society.

Rule of law

by Umma Salma -

The rule of law is the political philosophy that all citizens and institutions within a country, state, or community are accountable to the same laws, including lawmakers and leaders. rule of law, the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of , and more generally goverment prevents the arbitrary use of power.

Rule of law

by Nadia Sultana(213-26-419) -

The rule of law is the principle that no one is above the law and that laws must be applied equally to all people. It ensures that government actions are subject to legal constraints and that individuals have legal protections against arbitrary and abusive actions. The rule of law is a cornerstone of a democratic society and essential for protecting human rights and promoting justice. Without the rule of law, there is a risk of corruption, abuse of power, and social instability. Upholding the rule of law is therefore critical for maintaining a fair and just society.

Rule of Law

by Mahjabin Mahi -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access. 

Rule of law

by Sarmin Sweety-221-26-486 -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

Rule Of Law

by Shadman Toki (221-26-504) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access.

Rule of law

by Sadik Kallol(221-26-473) -

Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Rule of Law

by Md.Naimul Islam (213-26-412) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access. 

Rule of law

by Mohibul haque -

Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits. 

Rule of Law the principle

by alamin 213-26-452 -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by Jarin Tasnim (221-26-488) -

The rule of law is the principle that no one is above the law and that laws must be applied equally to all people. It ensures that government actions are subject to legal constraints and that individuals have legal protections against arbitrary and abusive actions. The rule of law is a cornerstone of a democratic society and essential for protecting human rights and promoting justice. Without the rule of law, there is a risk of corruption, abuse of power, and social instability. Upholding the rule of law is therefore critical for maintaining a fair and just society.

Rule of law.

by Afroj Mahajabin Lisa( 221-26-497) -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access

Rule of law

by Shafaat Rahman -

Rule of Law the principle that the process of government is bound up with the law, and that law is supreme. In specific operational terms, it envisages that a government in power must act according to law, and that by implication it gives every citizen remedies if his or her rights are infringed. The rule of law may, therefore, be said to prevail when the exercise of all forms of public authority is subject to review by the ordinary courts of law to which all citizens have equal access. 

Rule of Law

by Asiana Afsin Ridita 221-26-485 -

In the constitution of Bangladesh Rule of Law has its own place.

“It shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a socialist society, free from exploitation – a society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political economic and social, will be secured for all citizens.''

Article 27 guarantees that all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.

18 fundamental rights have been guaranteed in the constitutional arrangement for their effective enforcement has been ensured in Articles 44 and 102.

 Article 7, 26 and 102(2) of the constitution the supreme court exercise the power of judicial review whereby it can examine the extent and legality of the actions of both executive and legislative and can declare any of their actions void if they do anything beyond their constitutional limits.