


by Murtaza Fahmid -
Number of replies: 1

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in Bangladesh refers to a legal mechanism that allows individuals or organizations to bring forth cases in the public interest. PIL provides a means for citizens to seek judicial intervention in matters that affect the general public or raise issues related to constitutional rights.

PIL in Bangladesh has its roots in Article 102 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, which grants the High Court Division of the Supreme Court the power to hear cases relating to the enforcement of fundamental rights. Under Article 102, any person can file a writ petition in the High Court seeking redress for the violation or imminent violation of their fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

The concept of PIL gained significance in Bangladesh during the 1990s when the judiciary became more proactive in addressing issues of public interest. The courts, particularly the High Court Division, started entertaining PIL cases on a wide range of matters, including environmental protection, human rights, corruption, government policies, public health, and social justice.

PIL cases in Bangladesh are typically filed by individuals, civil society organizations, or groups of citizens. These cases aim to address systemic problems, protect the rights of marginalized communities, and hold public authorities accountable for their actions or inaction.

One of the notable aspects of PIL in Bangladesh is the provision for public interest litigation by the Legal Aid Committee of the Supreme Court. This committee can initiate legal proceedings on behalf of individuals who are unable to afford legal representation, ensuring access to justice for marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society.

PIL has played a crucial role in bringing about positive changes in Bangladesh, leading to judicial activism and public accountability. It has been instrumental in shaping public policies, promoting transparency, and protecting the rights of citizens.

It's worth noting that the information I provided is based on the knowledge available up until September 2021. Changes may have occurred since then, so it's always a good idea to consult updated sources or legal professionals for the most current information on PIL in Bangladesh.