#Classification of Emergency
From the view point of territorial extent emergency may be if two types- national Emergency and partial or state Emergency.
When emergency is declared, whatever may be the reason behind the declaration, throughout the whole territory of the state, it is called national emergency. On the other hand, when emergency is declared in a particular area of a unitary state or in a state of a federation, it is partial or state emergency. For example, Article 352 of the Indian Constitution provides that emergency may be declared throughout India or any part thereof. Likewise, Article 232 provides state emergency.
On the basis of its nature emergency may be of following types:
1)Emergency of War:
When emergency is declared as a result of war or external aggression, it is called emergency of war. For example, emergency of war was declared in British India during the Second World War the emergency was declared by the British Government under the authority of Emergency power of (Defence) Act. 1939. In Independent India emergency of war was declared for two times. First in October, 1962, when China launched a massive attack on India North – Eastern border. Emergency was declared under Article 352 on account of external aggression. Second on December, 1971 when Pakistan attacked India.
ii) Emergency of Subversion:
When emergency is declared due to internal disturbances within the state e.g. to suppress civil war or any anti–government movement or a riot in any particular area if the country or to face any natural disaster, it is called emergency of subversion. For example, in Bangladesh emergency was declared four times due to internal disturbance.
iii) Economic Emergency:
When emergency is declared with a view to overcoming a situation in which the economy if the state is about to breakdown or has broken down, it is called economic emergency. It is worthy of notice here that from the broader point of view economic emergency should be included in emergency of subversion but constitutions and laws of some countries provide specifically, on addition to emergency of subversion, for the economic or financial emergency. For example, Article 360 of the Indian constitution specifically provides that if the president of the India is satisfied that a situation has arisen whereby the financial stability or credit of India or any part of it is threatened, he may declare emergency.