Group Discussion Board



by Arpa Singh -
Number of replies: 0

Question : what is acceptance?  Describe briefky. 

Answer:Acceptance, in the context of contract law, is the expression of assent by the offeree to the terms of the offer. It is a crucial element in the formation of a contract. Here are key points about acceptance:

1. **Voluntary Agreement:**

   - Acceptance must be voluntary and unconditional. It signifies the offeree's agreement to be bound by the terms of the offer.

2. **Mirror Image Rule:**

   - The acceptance is generally expected to mirror the terms of the offer. If there are material changes, it may be considered a counter-offer rather than a valid acceptance.

3. **Communication:**

   - Acceptance is effective when communicated to the offeror. The communication can be expressed through words, conduct, or any other reasonable means.

4. **Silence as Acceptance:**

   - In general contract law, silence is not considered acceptance. The offeree is expected to actively communicate their acceptance to the offeror.

5. **Time Frame for Acceptance:**

   - The offeror may specify a time frame within which the acceptance must occur. If not specified, acceptance should typically be within a reasonable time.

6. **Mode of Communication:**

   - The mode of communication for acceptance may be specified in the offer. If not, it should be communicated in a manner that is reasonable under the circumstances.

7. **Revocation of Offer:**

   - The offeror has the right to revoke the offer at any time before acceptance, unless the offer is irrevocable. Once the offer is revoked, acceptance is no longer possible.

8. **Communication of Revocation:**

   - For acceptance to be valid, the offeree must not be aware of the offeror's revocation at the time of acceptance.

In summary, acceptance is a pivotal step in the contract formation process. It establishes mutual assent between the parties and, when communicated effectively, leads to the creation of a legally binding contract.