Discussion Forum on pointer, dynamic memory allocation(PC-J) (Week 1)

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Hamayate ali himu -
Number of replies: 0

Answer to the question number :1

1. Pointer
2. Recursion
3. Data Structure
4. Array
5. Linked-list
7. Queue
8. Tree
9. Graph

Answer to the question number :2

Use of appropriate data structure enables a computer  system to perform its task more efficiently, by influencing the ability of  computer to store and retrieve data from any location in its memory.  Different kind of data structures are suited to different computer applications and tasks.

Answer to the qusetion number :3

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Q1. List the name of the topic you have learned this week in this course?
Q2.  Why data structure is important in computer science?
Q3.  Write down the real life application of tree, graph ,stack, queue.


Answer to the question number :1

1. Pointer
2. Recursion
3. Data Structure
4. Array
5. Linked-list
7. Queue
8. Tree
9. Graph

Answer to the question number :2

Use of appropriate data structure enables a computer  system to perform its task more efficiently, by influencing the ability of  computer to store and retrieve data from any location in its memory.  Different kind of data structures are suited to different computer applications and tasks.

Answer to the qusetion number :3

Q1. 1. Pointer
2. Recursion
3. Data Structure
4. Array
5. Linked-list
7. Queue
8. Tree
9. Graph
Q2. Algorithm is an important in order to build up logic and data structure is important to use memory in effective way.
Some applications of the trees are:

1.XML Parser uses tree algorithms.
2.Decision-based algorithm is used in machine learning which works upon the algorithm of tree.

Some applications of a graph are:

1.Facebook’s Graph API uses the structure of Graphs.
2.Google’s Knowledge Graph also has to do something with Graph.

Some Applications of a stack are:

1.Converting infix to postfix expressions.
2.Undo operation is also carried out through stacks.

Some applications of a queue are:

1.Operating System uses queue for job scheduling.
2.To handle congestion in networking queue can be used.

1. Recursion
2. Pointer
3. Data Structure
5. Array
6. Tree
Use of appropriate data structure enables a computer  system to perform its task more efficiently, by influencing the ability of  computer to store and retrieve data from any location in its memory.  Different kind of data structures are suited to different computer applications and tasks.
applications of the trees:

1.Databases also uses tree data structures for indexing.

2.Domain Name Server(DNS) also uses tree structures.

applications of a graph:

1.Facebook’s Graph API uses the structure of Graphs.

2.Google’s Knowledge Graph also has to do something with Graph.

 Applications of a stack:

1.Syntaxes in languages are parsed using stacks.

2.It is used in many virtual machines like JVM.

applications of a queue:

1.To handle congestion in networking queue can be used.

2.Data packets in communication are arranged in queue forma

3.Data Structure
Efficient data structures are a key to designing efficient algorithms and software.To make a high quality software we must know the data structure properly. So data structure is important in computer science.

1.Real life application of tree :
#Folders in Operating system-
in windows go to command line and type tree. You can see the folder tree structure.
#In Artificial intelligence game, next moves are stored using tree data structure.

2.Real life application of graph:
#Facebook's Graph API
Facebook's Graph API is perhaps the best example of application of graphs to real life problems.
#Google's Knowledge Graph
A knowledge graph has something to do with linking data and graphs...some kind of graph-based representation of knowledge

3. Real life application of stack:

4.Real life application of queue:
#Queues are used everywhere. In operating systems (queuing messages, IO requests, mouse movements, etc), web servers (queuing incoming requests, file operations, etc), video games, etc