Discussion Forum on pointer, dynamic memory allocation(PC-E)(Week 1)

About week 1

About week 1

by Saimur Rahman Swarnab -
Number of replies: 0

Answer to the question NUmber (1):

The name of the topic i have learned this week is-

*Data structure

*Data structure Application

*Link-list,tree,Queue, stack,graph.

*Dynamic memory allocation.

Ans of Question Number (2):

Data structure is a foundation of computer science.

It helps computing to store data Efficiently in short time and process data Cleverly.

*Processing speed: To handle very large data, high-speed processing is required, but with growing data processor may fail to achive required processing speed.

*Data Search: Getting a particular record from database should be quick and with optimum use of resources.

*Multiple requests: To handle simultanous requests from multiple users

Answer to the question Number (3):

The Real life Application's Example-


2:Graph=Facebook graph API

3:Queue=A car wash,Vehicles on Toll-tax bridge.

4:Stack=the tanis ball in their container,,stack of chairs.