Discussion Forum on pointer, dynamic memory allocation(PC-E)(Week 1)

learning outcomes

learning outcomes

by Alfi Sharin Rizvi -
Number of replies: 0

Ans To The Ques. NO:1

  • data structure introduction
  • data structure's implementation
  • Dynamic memory allocation
Ans To The Ques.NO:2
Data Sturcture : Data stucture is a customized method to implement data more efficiently. It is an implementation by using the existing datatype more conveniently. Like as just by using struct,array and modifying we can make newer data types like vector,pair,stack,queue,list,priority_queue,linked list,tree,doubly linked list,hash map,graph etc. Each with different sort of convenience to enhance the algorithm.

Ans To The Ques.NO:3
  1. stack: LRU chache
  2. queue: "%y+" register storage ie. undo,redo,copy,paste
  3. tree: File system, CPU core data distribution
  4. Graph: MAP, visualizer