Discussion Forum on Computer Components, Number System

Computer Components and Number System

Computer Components and Number System

by Md. Monjurul Ahsan 203-15-14516 -
Number of replies: 0



# The basic components of Computers are:

1.Input Unit

2.Output Unit

3.Storage Unit

4.Central Processing Unit (CPU)

5.Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

6.Control Unit


# Yes, I have noticed the general formula of converting a number from Base 10 to Base r and Vice-Versa

conversion from base 10 to base r: divide a base 10 number with r

Conversion from base r to base 10: express each digit with rn  ,where the right most n=0


Name:     Md. Monjurul Ahsan
ID:            203-15-14516
Section:  O-2