Forum Discussion: Students' Activities



by Md. Fouad Hossain Sarker -
Number of replies: 3

What is your understanding of the first class? Do you think the knowledge gained in this course will enhance your research productivity?

In reply to Md. Fouad Hossain Sarker

Re: Q1

by Md. Firoz Mahmud -
In my first class, I have come to know that at the end of this course, I need to develop a research proposal according to our course teacher's guidelines. I have learned the basics of research and scientific principles of research with example.
In reply to Md. Fouad Hossain Sarker

Re: Q1

by Ahmed Ali Mohamed -

I Have attended the first session of the course and the lecturer gave use detailed understanding of research and its importance. I have realized the importance of the course as life long and he pointed out and encouraged us to put more emphasis on research. 

In reply to Md. Fouad Hossain Sarker

Re: Q1

by Sangay Gyeltshen -
The professor have introduced us on how to develop a good research proposal which would help us during thesis session in coming semester.