
- Recognize and apply practical and theoretical concepts in creating perspective drawings.

-Acquire knowledge of and apply the elements and principles of perspective.

-Apply perspective knowledge, theory and skills to the creation of art by inventive processes and observation.

-Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental perspective systems for application in a variety of visual situations such as Interiors and exteriors.

Course Description/Contents:

Perspective drawing is structural drawing classes for animation, Graphic Design, Architectural drawing and Interior design. Free hand perspective drawing, Complete Understanding One point Perspective, Two point Perspective, Tree point Perspective. Knowledge of Eye label, several techniques of Perspective drawing, live elements drawing, Perspective base outdoor Landscape drawing, nonliving object drawing, Techniques and practices in order to examine visual perception. [Prerequisite: MCT123].


Learning Outcomes:

Understanding and use of various systems of perspective. Emphasis on linear perspective and applications to rendering which are based on perspective. Introduction to perspective systems and their use in the representation of three-dimensional forms. Instruction will be conducted through lectures, reading assignments and individual tutoring. A heavy emphasis will be placed on eyeball perspective and practical techniques as applied to perspective drawing.

Art Department Goals Addressed in this Course:

• Basic Skills: Developing a foundation of art knowledge, theories, skills, craftsmanship and technologies,

Where ideas and concepts are communicated in art making.

• Art Knowledge: Broadening knowledge of ancient through contemporary art and to develop an

Understanding of art within theoretical, cultural, and historical contexts

Student Evaluation:     

Participation, attendance, and ongoing progress are all part of the grading process. Students will be

Expected to make revisions due to student and teacher critiques and evaluations. Sufficient evidence of

An ongoing creative process and development over time with corrected revisions is expected. Some class

time will be given to work on projects, but it is the students’ responsibility to make use of the lab hours

Given to them to complete their assignments.


Skill Level: Beginner