Topic Name Description
File list of recordings
Lecture -1: Matrix -1 File Basics of Matrix
Lecture-2, 3 : Matrix -1 (continued) File Basics of matrix

The previous file is again given here. 

Lec-4: Matrix -2: Operations File Matrix Operations

This file discusses different types of mathematical operations in the context of matrices. 

File matrix operations

You can read either file ; but better to study both. 

Lec-5 : Matrix -3: Symmetric & skew-symmetric matrices File sp sq matrices

This file discusses a very important type of sq matrices . 

Lec-6 : Matrix -4: Inverse matrices File Matrix Inversion

Read it first , before read anything regarding this topics.

Lec-7 : Matrix -5: Orthogonal matrices File Orthogonal Matrix

Consume by heart.

Lec- 8, 9: Matrix -6: Pivot, EM, RREM, ERO, ECO File Rank, RREF, NF

Make repeated studies on this file.

Lec-12,13 : Systems of Linear Equations File SLE

Read it minutely, before you read anything else on this topics.

Lec-15, 16, 17: Linear Transformation File LT

Read it first ; then any other book on this topics. 

File Practice

Try to answer questions of this file.

Lec-20 : Eigenvalues File Eigenvalues

  1. A smooth introduction to eigenvalues.
  2. An almost complete treatise on eigenvalues. 

File EvProb

Practise problems given in this file.

Lec-22, 23, 24 : Coordinate Geometry File Coordinate Geometry

This file deals with: 

  1. Basics of coordinates
  2. 2nd degree general equation in 2 variables in details
  3. Coordinate systems in 3D