Section outline
Welcome students to our online learning center. Here you will be provided with the course contents for your best studies. We look forward to your best of efforts and a good association of studies with you.
Course Description:
This lab is focused on the various contents of Database SQL including database and table create, data definition language, data modification language, different SQL query, join, sub query and aggregate function. This course introduces a methodical approach to program development, starting from problem formulation and requirement specification, through design of the logical solution, implementation error finding and evaluation of the solution with documentation.
Course Methodology:
- Class size of 35-40 Students
- Classroom with a projector, a computer and a white marker board
- Lab with a personal computer for each student and internet connection
- Students will go through sufficient number of assignments and lab works
- Students may need to attend seminar and workshop during the turner of the course
Course Objectives (CO’s):
- create database, table and insert data and basic modification
- solve problems using conditional statement
- solve problems using Join, Sub-query, Aggregate function and View
- learn the techniques for presenting the pre-defined task.
Course Content:
Lesson 01: DDL-Design database and table with proper data set [Session 1 & 2]
Lesson02: DML-Problem solving basic condition [Session 3 & 4]
Lesson03: Problem solving using Aggregate Function [Session 5 & 6]
Lesson04: Problem solving using Sub Query [Session 7]
Lesson05: Problem solving using Join Operation [Session 8]
Lesson06: Problem solving using different combination of query [Session 9]
Lesson07: Storing SQL query in a DB [Session 10]
Assessment Plan:
SL No.
Assessment Method
Marks Distribution
Continuous Assessment
To measure how well students have learned throughout the semester.
Lab Performance
Lab Mid Term
To measure how far students have achieved the learning outcomes.
Lab Final Term