Section outline
Objective of the Lecture:
1. To teach the student about the basic concept of equity and the view of different legal scholars
2. Analyzing cases for understanding the nature of equity
3. Exploring the historical origin of equityLecture Outcomes:
At the end of the session students will be able to :
1. Understand the concept of equity and the view of different jurists
2. Understand the nature of equity from case analysis
3. Gather a clear concept about the origin of equityLecture Contents:
1. Basic Idea about equity including:
2. Definition of equity under different legal scholars (Plato, Aristotle and Blackstone)
3. Analyzing the force of equity under the following cases:
(i) Delhi Development Authority vs. Skipper Construction Company (1996)
(ii) C. Chenga Reddy vs. State Of Andhra Pradesh, (1996)
(iii) Lowe vs. Dixon, (1885)
(iv) The Attorney General of Hong Kong vs. Reid, (1993)
4. Historical Introduction of Equity
Historical development of equity
History of the common law and the common law courts
Do you think that equity and equality are are same thing? explain. State the nature of equity and write down a definition from your own concept.