Section outline
Objectives of this Lecture:
1. To teach the student about the the common law procedure
2. To find the defects of the common law
3. To know about the new procedure, rights and remedies emerged for tackling the defects
4. To know about specific relief, rectification, rescission and injunction
5. To know about the conflict between equity and common law
6. To know about the Judicature Act ,1873Lecture Outcomes:
At the end of the session students will be able to :
1. Learn the common law procedure
2. Find the defects of common law
3. Learn about the new procedure, rights and remedied emerged
4. Learn about specific relief, rectification, rescission and injunction
5. Learn about the conflict between equity and common law
6. Learn about the Judicature Act ,1873Lecture Contents:
1. Common Law Procedure
(i) The Precedent
(ii) The Writ system
(iii) Defects of the common system
2. New Procedure, Rights and Remedies
(i) Specific performance
(ii) Rectification
(iii) Rescission
(iv) Injunction
3. Conflict between Equity and Common Law
(i) Earl of Oxford’s case (1615)
(ii) The Judicature Act (1873)
Differences between common law and the law of equity
Legal and equitable remedies explanation
What were the reasons behind the conflict of the common and equity court? Write down a brief summary about the Judicature Acts.