Section outline

  • Chapter 3 - Parents, Life and Living

    This chapter will cover the basics of parenting, relationship, and values of empathy, the relationship that we can’t ignore in living in this beautiful world. Moreover, socio-economic condition of the country where opportunity cost is very high for many of the parents in creating children’s futures will be focused.


    • To understand parenting and their empathetic bondage by extracting from past, bearing present and exploring future by involving them directly
    • To uphold self-esteem, confidence, and self-driven quality for evolving leadership quality.
    • To know about Self-Guardianship and its impact on personal life. 


    At the end of the Chapter SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To) –

    • Understand the process of conscious parenting and its impact on the child. 
    • Realize the necessity of Self-Guardianship and learn the steps of it. 
    • Recognize the values of empathy, a relationship that we can’t ignore in living in this beautiful world.
    • Participate in an interactive discussions in the presence of parents or legal guardians. 
    • Know their parents deeply for creating an emotional and professional bridge between parents and their sons/daughters.