Topic outline

  • Welcome to Web Engineering Course

  • Week 1: SWE Background and the Web

    • Topics
    1. Overview 
    2. Internet and the Web
    3. Client-Server Paradigm
    4. Requirement Engineering

    • Learning Outcome
    1. Differentiate between Web and Internet
    2. Understand Client-Server Paradigm
    3. Select the appropriate tools
    4. Analyse and Design System Requirements

  • Week 2 : Review and Front-End technology

    • Topics

    1. Testing methodologies
    2. Project discussion
    3. HTTP
    4. HTML(Part-1): Basic HTML

    • Learning Outcome
    1. Choose the right Testing methodology
    2. Course Project team formation and discussion on deliverables
    3. Understand the HTTP and HTML5 elements

    • Week 3: Discussion on HTML and CSS

      • Topics 
      1. HTML(Part-2): HTML Elements
      2. CSS(Part-1): Different types of CSS

      • Learning Outcome

      1. Know basics of static web page
      2. Understand and apply HTML and CSS

    • Week 4: Adaptive Lesson and Layout

      • Topics 
      1. Practice lesson on basic HTML and CSS
      2. Layout  using <div> tag, Table , and CSS Box Model 

      • Learning Outcome
        1. Review and Self-Confidence building on Basic html, css
        2. Understand and Apply Layout to design pages efficiently

      • Week 5: Interactive Web with JavaScript and Forms

        • Topics 
        1. JavaScripts  and JS Libraries
        2. DOM, Events
        3. Forms

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Understand and Apply JS
        2. Use DOM to manipulate your content
        3. Events and Form

      • Week 6: Discussion Review

        • Topics 
        1. Review Exercise
        2. Discussion before Midterm Exam
        3. Class Test-2

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Practice Exercise
        2. Know Progress

      • Week 7 : Midterm Exam


        Daffodil International University

        Department of Computer Science and Engineering


        Topics for Midterm:
        1. Basic Terminologies
        2. Selecting appropriate Testing method
        3. Understanding Requirements (RE)
        4. Design a web page (Application of HTML, CSS and JS)
      • Week 8: Server Side Programming

        • Topics 
        1. Server Side Programming
        2. Basic PHP
        3. Work with forms, cookies, files, time and date.
        4. Create a basic checker for user-entered data.

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Know about  Server Side Programming
        2. PHP and its workings. 
        3. Implement different requirements/problems with PHP

      • Week 9: Database Management (mySQL)

        • Topics 
        1. Handling Database with mySQL and PHP

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Be able to access and create mySQL database
        2. CRUD operations
        3. Use mySQL with PHP

      • Week 10: Project Management and MVC

        • Topics 
        1. Project management
        2. MVC design pattern
        3. Discuss course project

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Understand and apply MVC design pattern
        2. Understand Project management techniques

        • Learning Materials
          • Lecture Slides (Lecture)

      • Week 11: Review Discussion and Adaptive Lesson on PHP

        • Topics 
        1. Review Discussion
        2. Class Test#3

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Review Exercise on PHP
        2. Self Confidence building on PHP

        • Quiz-3
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Web Engineering CSE417 :J
        • Quiz-3
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Web Engineering CSE417:K
      • Week 12: Discussion on Other Technologies and Presentation

        •  Topics 
        1. Discussion on other, JSON, XML, AJax  etc.
        2. Review exercise
        3. Presentation

        • Learning Outcome
        1. Analysing web technologies
        2. Know usefulness of different emerging technologies

      • Week 13: Final Assessment


        Daffodil International University

        Department of Computer Science and Engineering

        FINAL Assessment
