Welcome to Web Engineering!
Course Rationale
Instructor Details
Welcome message
First Lecture File :Introduction
Introductory class: section N
Lecture 1: Introduction (part-I)
Lab Material
Class Lecture:
Lecture 2: CSE417 (N)
Lecture 3: CSE417(N)
Lecture 2: CSE417 (O)
Lecture 3: CSE417 (O)
LAb 2: CSS
Self Test Quiz on:
Instructions :
1.Don't copy-paste. You may write in a doc file or handwriting (but submit it as a pdf file ).
2.Time will be followed strictly.
3.Submit your answer as a pdf file.
4.If you are failed to upload your answer in blc then you can choose google form.
5.File submission time once.
6.Strictly follow the naming convention : CSE134-O-111-15-2345-mid.pdf (Course Code-Section-Student ID)
In this activity students will review and gain confidence on PHP.