Weekly outline

  • Welcome to CSE 231 Microprocessor, Embedded Systems & IoT Course Course

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      You will find all the class recordings and video recording here !!!

    • Week - 1: Introduction

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Discussion on Course Rationales, Objectives, Outcomes, Syllabus, Text Books, etc.
          • History and evolution of microprocessor, The components of a Microcomputer System
          • Instruction Execution, Programming Languages, Assembly Language Programs, Number Systems

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Recognize the importance of the course and course outcomes.
          • Identify various components of microprocessor and their working behavior in microprocessor 
          • Understand the significance of using assembly language to utilize a microprocessor.

      Resources of Learning:

    • Week - 2: Internal Architecture of 8086

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Discussion on Internal Architecture of the 8086/8088 Microprocessors, Data Registers, Segment Registers
          • Discussion on Physical Memory Address and Logical Address Calculations, Pointer and Index Registers, Instruction Pointer, Flag Register

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Understand and differentiate between the internal architecture of 8086 and other advanced microprocessors. 
          • Identify and understand various registers of 8086 microprocessor and their functionality.
          • Understand and apply different addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor.

      Resources of Learning:

    • Week - 3: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Introduction to Assembly Language Syntax, Program Data, Variables, Named Constants
          • Discussion on few Basic Assembly Language Instructions, Translation of High-Level Language to Assembly Language
          • Introduction to basic Program Structure and Segments, Input and Output Instructions, INT 21h Instruction Details
          • Creating and Running a Program, Displaying a String, Case Conversion Program

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Understand the Assembly Language Syntax, Program Data, Variables, Named Constants
          • Identify and apply different assembly language instructions for arithmetic operations.
          • Understand the basic Program Structure and Segments, Input and Output Instructions, INT 21h Instruction Details
          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems

      Resources of Learning:

    • Week - 4: Flag Registers and Flow Control Instructions-JUMP

      Topics of Discussion:

          • The status of 8086 microprocessor using the flag registers and how instructions are affected by the flags
          • Basics of flow control instructions in 8086 such as unconditional jump, conditional jumps, compare instructions.

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Understand the status of 8086 microprocessor using the flag registers and how instructions are affected by the flags
          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems related to flow control instructions

      Resources of Learning:

    • Week - 5: Problem Solving and Pin Configuration

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Flow controlling using high-level structures such as branching structures
          • 8086 Microprocessor Pin Configuration, Direct Memory Access, Addressing Banking

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems related to branching instructions
          • Understanding the use of different pins in 8086 microprocessor, direct memory access, and even-odd address banking mechanisms.

      Resources of Learning:

    • Week - 6 : Problem Solving using Flow Control Instructions

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Flow controlling using high-level flow control structures such as looping structures
          • Programming Exercises on flow control instructions to solve real-life problems. 

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems related to branching and looping instructions
          • Analyze and apply programming knowledge to solve real-life problems.

      Resources of Learning:

      • Assignment on Flag Registers (PC-A))
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      • Assignment on Flag Registers (PC-B)
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      • Assignment on Flag Registers (PC-C)
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C
    • Week - 7 : Midterm Examination


      Topics of Midterm:

      • Microcomputer System
      • Internal architecture of the 8086 microprocessor
      • Pin Configuration and Direct Memory Access
      • Assembly Language Instructions for Basic Arithmetic operation and flow control
      • Problem-Solving with assembly Instructions

    • Week - 8: Problem Solving with Branching Structure and Pin Configuration

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Flow controlling using high-level structures such as branching structures
          • 8086 Microprocessor Pin Configuration, Direct Memory Access, Addressing Banking

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems related to branching instructions
          • Understanding the use of different pins in 8086 microprocessor, direct memory access, and even-odd address banking mechanisms.

      Resources of Learning:

      • Quiz (PC-A)
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      • Quiz (PC-B)
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
      • Quiz (PC-C)
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C
    • Week - 9 : Problem Solving using Flow Control Instructions (LOOP)

      Topics of Discussion:

          • Flow controlling using high-level flow control structures such as looping structures
          • Programming Exercises on flow control instructions to solve real-life problems. 

      Expected Learning Outcomes:

          • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems related to branching and looping instructions
          • Analyze and apply programming knowledge to solve real-life problems.

      Resources of Learning:

      • Week - 10 : Logic, Shift and Rotate Instructions

        Topics of Discussion:

            • Revision on flag registers and their effects on arithmetic and logic operations
            • Logical, Shift and Rotation Instructions & their operation in problem-solving

        Expected Learning Outcomes:

            • Identify and apply flag registers data to utilize the arithmetic and logic instructions
            • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve the problems using logic, shift and rotate instructions

        Resources of Learning:

        • Assignment-2 (PC-A)
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        • Assignment-2 (PC-B)
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        • Assignment-2 (PC-C)
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C
      • Week - 11 : The Stack and Procedure

        Topics of Discussion:

            • The Stack and Stack operations in Microprocessor 8086, Applications of Stack operation in problem solving
            • Procedures, Types of procedures, Design procedures for a specific problem

        Expected Learning Outcomes:

            • Identify and apply stack operations to solve practical problems
            • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to create procedures to enhance the structure of the program in extent 

        Resources of Learning:

        • Presentation (PC-A) Assignment
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        • Presentation (PC-B) Assignment
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
        • Presentation (PC-C) Assignment
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C
      • Week - 12 : String Operations in Assembly Language

        Topics of Discussion:

            • Directional Flag and use of it in String operations, Moving and Storing Strings in Microprocessor 8086
            • Copy, Load and Compare Strings and its operations

        Expected Learning Outcomes:

            • Identify and apply the directional flag to solve the string related task 
            • Analyze programming problems and apply assembly instructions to solve problems related to copying, load, compare, move, and store string operation. 

        Resources of Learning:

      • Week - 13 : Interrupt Vector, Instructions and Control

        Topics of Discussion:

            • Introduction to Interrupts, Interrupt Vectors and Instructions
            • Interrupt Control, Interrupt in the Personal Computer

        Expected Learning Outcomes:

            • Identify and apply the interrupt instruction, interrupt vectors and their use
            • Identify and apply the knowledge of interrupt control mechanism to control personal computers.

        Resources of Learning:

        • Quiz 2 (PC-A + PC1-OLD)
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        • Quiz 2 (PC2-OLD)
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
        • Quiz 2 (PC-C + PC3-OLD)
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      • Week - 14 : Semester Final Exam

        Topics to cover:

        • Flow Control Instructions
        • Problem Solving using Assembly
        • Logic, Shift and Rotate Instructions
        • Stack 
        • Procedure
        • Interrupt Vectors 

        • Final Exam (PC-A) Assignment
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        • Final Exam (PC-B) Assignment
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-B
        • Final Exam (PC-C) Assignment
          Restricted Not available unless: You belong to PC-C