Topic outline

  • General

    CSE311/CSE311L: Database Management System  

  • Course Summary and Objectives

  • Welcome Message


    welcome message

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to the 2021 Summer Semester!
    I can’t wait to see all your smiling faces! I am here to support you every step of the way. I encourage you to make the best use of your time here. Remember to make it a great year, together we will make a remarkable journey.

    Fatema Tuj Johora

    • Notice Board




    • QUIZ

      • Assignment

      • Week 1

        Week 1

      • Week 2

        Week 2

      • Week 3

        Week 3

      • Week 4

        Week 4

      • week 5

        Week 5

      • week 6

      • Week 7

      • Week 8

        Week 8

      • Week 9

        Week 9


        • Make a submission
      • This topic

        Week 13

        Not available
      • LAB FINAL