Topic outline

  • Welcome To Computer Graphics

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  • Topic 2

  • Week 1

    Topics for discussion

               Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Graphics

               Lecture 2: Video Display Devices: Refresh Cathode Ray Tubes, Raster & Random Scan displays, Color CRT Monitors, DVST & Flat panel displays

    Expected Learning Outcome:

        • Appreciate the use of Computer Graphics and it's real life Application.
        • Able to explain the core concepts of computer graphics, including output primitives, anti-aliasing, transformation and viewing in 2D.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 1: A survey of Computer Graphics

    Chapter 2: Overview of Graphics System

  • Week 2

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 3: Points and Lines, Line drawing Algorithm

    Lecture 4: DDA Algorithm- example with plot in a graph

    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
          • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 3: Output Primitives


  • Week 3

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 5: Parameter Description of Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm

    Lecture 6: Bresenham Line Drawing Algorithm Implementation with Example

    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
          • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 3: Output Primitives

  • Presentation

  • Week 4

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 7: Properties of Circle, Circle Drawing Algorithm : Midpoint

    Lecture 8: Mid point circle drawing Algorithm Implementation

    Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
            • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 3: Output Primitives

  • week 5

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 10: Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformation
    Lecture 11:  Review Class (Previous Lecture)


    Expected Learning Outcome:

        •  To evaluate the transformation of an object  and viewing in two dimensional way..
        •  To perform with the mathematical expression in a computational  display. 

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 5: Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformation


  • Week 6

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 9: Antialiasing-Different techniques


    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the resolution and projection of the output primitives.
          • Able to implement the algorithm to pictorial form in the objects. 

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 4: Attributes of Output Primitives 

  • Week 7

  • week 8

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 19: 3D Geometric Transformation

    Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
            • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 11: Three-Dimensional Geometric & Modeling Transformation


  • Week 9

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 12: Two-Dimensional Viewing, Window-to-Viewport Coordinate Transformation

    Lecture 13: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Line Clipping Algorithm: Cohen-Sutherland

    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
          • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing

  • Week 10

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 14: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm

    Lecture 15: Sutherland Hodgeman- Example

    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
          • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing


  • week 11

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 16: Two-Dimensional Clipping,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm: Weiler -Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm

    Lecture 17: Example of Weiler- Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm

    Expected Learning Outcome:

          • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
          • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 6: Two-Dimensional viewing and clipping

  • week 12

    Topics for discussion

    Lecture 18: Three Dimensional Display Methods, Parallel Projection, Perspective projection

    Lecture 19: Depth Cueing, Visible Line and Surface Identification, Surface Rendering

    Expected Learning Outcome:

            • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
            • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 9: Three Dimensional Concepts

  • Week 13

    Topics for discussion

    lecture 22 : Halftone Pattern and Dithering Techniques

    Lecture 23: Color Models and Color Applications

    Expected Learning Outcome:

    • Able to understand the core concept of output primitives and transformation..
    • Able to implement the algorithm rendering the graphics.

    Book Chapter

    Chapter 14: Illustration Models & surface rendering Methods

    Chapter 15: Color Models & Color Applications

  • week 14

    Final Exam Syllabus:

    1. Transformation-2D and 3D (Five Basic Operations with example)
    2. Viewing: Window to viewport mapping
    3. Clipping- Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm,  Polygon Clipping Algorithm: Sutherland Hodgeman ,Weiler-Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm.
    4. 3D Display: Parallel and perspective projection, Depth Cueing (Definition), Surface rendering (Definition)
    5. Color Model: RGB, CMYK

  • Topic 18

    • Topic 19

      • Topic 20

        • Topic 21

          • Topic 22

            • Topic 23

              • Topic 24

                • Topic 25

                  • Topic 26

                    • Topic 27

                      • Topic 28

                        • Topic 29

                          • Topic 30

                            • Topic 31

                              • Topic 32

                                • Topic 33

                                  • Topic 34

                                    • Topic 35

                                      • Topic 36

                                        • Topic 37

                                          • Topic 38

                                            • Topic 39

                                              • Topic 40

                                                • Topic 41

                                                  • Topic 42

                                                    • Topic 43

                                                      • Topic 44

                                                        • Topic 45

                                                          • Topic 46

                                                            • Topic 47

                                                              • Topic 48

                                                                • Topic 49

                                                                  • Topic 50