Topic outline

  • Welcome to Computer Networks

    Course Teacher

    Md. Mushfiqur Azam
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Daffodil International University


  • Course Introduction and Welcome Message

    Information is the building block for effective communication. Communication is the universal currency that knits us together and drives our day to day operations. Computer networking is a favorite among many businesses. You’re probably thinking how important is networking? This mainstream technology has proven to be an effective means to enhance proficient, flexible and streamlined communication while maximizing on productivity and resources. So, this course is going to be very important for us. Hope, we will properly complete the course to gain the maximum output of the course objective.

    • Week 1: Network Layer

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    • Week 2: Network Layer

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    • Week 3: Network Layer

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    • Week 4: Network Layer

    • Week 5: Network Layer

      Week 5: Network Layer

      Topics for discussion

      Forwarding and Addressing, Virtual circuit and Datagram networks, ICMP.

      Expected outcome

      • Able to apply the knowledge of forwarding problems and can identify and make an evaluation of the underlying principles of different protocols being applied to the Internet.

      Book Chapter

      Chapter 4, Computer Networking- A Top-Down Approach.

    • Week 6: Application Layer

    • Week 7: Midterm Examination

    • Week 8: Transport Layer

    • Week 9: Link Layer

    • Week 10: Link Layer

    • Week 11: Wireless Network

    • Week 12: Wireless Network

    • Week 13: Preparation for Final Examination

    • Week 14: Final Examination