Topic outline

  • Welcome to Research & Innovation Course

    Audio Welcome Note:

    Instructor: Shahana Shultana
    Office : Room # 505, AB-04, Savar
    Cellphone #: 01672860365 

    DIU - Daffodil International University

  • Course Details

    Course Rationale

    Research and Innovation (RI) is the best way to establish a new understanding in any domain of knowledge. In the current era of dynamicity, new finding carries vital importance irrespective of the knowledge domain. Research is the key to create new ideas, technologies, methodologies that eventually resulted in innovation. The course focuses to formulate the pathway to walk in the area of research and innovation. The course starts the journey with the understanding basics of research, furthermore the process of conducting research to eventually innovate some useful ideas.

    Course Objective

    Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

    • Describe the fundamental aspects of formulating research questions.
    • Explain the procedure of conducting a literature review to understand the importance of the research question.
    • Design methodologies to answer the research question posed using appropriate tools and implementation.
    • Explain analytical aspects of answering research question to formulate knowledge
    • Describe the basics of innovation, the relationship with research and the way to have a fruitful innovation from detailed research.
    • Maintain ethical aspects in formulating, designing and implementing research.

    Course Outcomes (CO's)


    To be able to apply analytical skills to map out the conceptual design for a real-life problem and formulate research questions to answer the real-life problems and innovate the solution.


    To be able to conduct detailed study to have a fruitful innovative model for solving any research problem.


    To be able to evaluate the logical problem to translate into a specific research problem and design model to have an innovative solution for the same.


    To be able to build the knowledge outcome from findings using a framework of literature review and analytical model.


    To be able to select appropriate approaches for the innovating solution of research problems through an exhaustive methodology.

    Evaluation Criteria

    1. Attendance: 10%
    2. Presentation 1 :  15% 
    3. Assignment (Literature Review): 15%
    4. Presentation 2: 15%
    5. Final Paper: 30%
    6. Peer Review: 15%

    • Week 1: Introduction

        Research & Innovation

        Topics of Discussion

        • Introduction to Research
        • Why Research is important?
        • How to begin to work on research topics? 
        • Overview of Types of research works. 

        Expected Learning Outcome

        • Appreciation of the needs of research
        • Understanding the necessity of research
        • Able to start research work 

        Learning Material 

      • Week 2: Research Formulation

        Information-Centric Endpoint and Mobile Protection Market Statistics and  Research Analysis Detailed in Latest Research Report 2021-2027 – The  Manomet Current

        Topics of Discussion

        • Identification of research problem 
        • Formulating research questions

        Expected Learning Outcome

        • Understanding the necessity of research questions
        • Testing the validity of the question in the context
        • Setting the target research output

        Learning Materials

      • Week 3: Evaluating Existing Knowledge

        Topics of Discussion

        • The existing knowledge around the research question
        • Evaluation of the existing knowledge
        • Literature review

        Expected Learning Outcome

        • Writing a concrete literature review around formulated questions
        • Correlating the existing knowledge with research questions
        • Identifying the research gaps to be bridged
        Learning Material 

        • Week 4: Quantitative Research Analysis

          Topics of Discussion

          • Introduction on quantitative research design 
          • Types of variables in quantitative research design
          • Measuring techniques

          Expected Learning Outcome

          • Understanding the diversity of variables in the quantitative approach
          • Able to apply different tests to justify the hypothesis
          • Understanding different measuring techniques of quantitative approach

        • Week 5: Qualitative Research

          Topics of Discussion

          • Introduction to qualitative research 
          • Diversity in research with qualitative research 

          Expected Learning Outcome

          • Understanding the diversity of the qualitative approach
          • Able to implement qualitative research approach 

          Presentation 1 Guidelines

          • Student Can give a group Presentation
          • Each group should not be having more than 4 Students in any case 
          • Each Student in the Group Needs to Present at least 4 to 8 Papers of Respective Domain 
          • The Presentation needs to be in English 
          • The Camera should be Switched on While Presenting own Portion 
          • Single Presentation will be more Appreciated
          • The Groupings and Research Topic should be Shared by 15th June 2021 in a consolidated Google Sheet

        • Week 6: Designing Methodology

          Topics of Discussion

          • Sampling, Methods, Framework
          • Conceptualize research problems into implementation
          • Linking data with proposed concepts

          Expected Learning Outcome

          • Able to conceptualize the framework/s needed for the research
          • Combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches
          • Understanding the implementation procedures 

        • Week 7: Midterm Exam/Assessment

          • Submission of Literature Review
          • Each Student Needs to Submit the Sole Assignment 
          • Each Student Needs to Review at Least 8 papers of Respective Domain
          • The Research Domain needs to be Mentioned in the Sheets beforehand

        • Week 8: Research Ethics

          Topics of Discussion

          • Ethical procedures & principles in research 
          • Challenges of ethical research in education 
          • Ethics of student research

          Expected Learning Outcome

          • Able to identify unethical practices of educational research 
          • Understanding the role of students in maintaining research ethics 

          • Week 9: Introduction to Innovation

            Topics of Discussion

            • Introduction to innovation
            • Diversity & frameworks of innovation

            Expected Learning Outcome

            • Understanding innovation & its importance
            • Able to identify different configurations of innovation

            • Week 10: Strategies for data collection

              Topics of Discussion

              • Strategy design: questionnaire, interview and observation
              • Ethical aspects of these strategies
              • Diverse types of approaches in these strategies

              Expected Learning Outcome

              • Understanding different strategies for data collection in research
              • Able to design multiple strategies to collect useful data

              • Week 11: Styles of Educational Research

                Topics of Discussion

                • Surveys, longitudinal, cross-sectional and trend studies
                • Designing and planning of these types

                Expected Learning Outcome

                • Understanding diverse types of approaches in educational research
                • Able to conduct and design research in different approach

                • Week 12: Reporting

                  Topics of Discussion

                  • Writing techniques and choices
                  • Communicating through writing 

                  Expected Learning Outcome

                  • Able to prepare a research paper with proper conceptualization
                  • Expressing ideas with proper explanations

                  • Week 13: Overview

                    Topics of Discussion

                    • Linking or conceptualizing research into innovation
                    • Importance of proper presentation in papers
                    • Innovation models in research

                    Expected Learning Outcome

                    • Understanding the importance of converting research into an innovative model 
                    • Able to represent the idea properly in the communication

                    • Week 14: Final Assessment