• Art of Living

    Art of Living: For Exploring the Beautiful World

    It has been perceived from different evaluation that intellectual ability needs to be exercised in an effective way through scheduled practice and performance. Success comes not just from the knowledge and skills but also from behavior which can create distance between success and failure. And we can achieve expected behavior only by learning and unlearning ways of thinking that finally craft body language and ensure effective living in this beautiful world.

    Objectives of the Course

    Students will achieve ability to understand life positively in personal, family and professional levels by joining this course.

    Outcome of the Course

    Globalization of trade has produced massive positive and negative externalities. Too much dependency on technologies and consumption philosophy beyond capacity finally play a role on destructing humanitarian qualities. Virtue and honor are essential qualities which empower individuals to strive to improve themselves and their societies. The very need for virtue and character formation is applied across the cultures and social strata. In this course, Students need to listen to multi chrome conversations from all voices and stories with empathetic perspective.

    Assessment Policies

    Parent’s involvement in the Course:

    Parents will be involved in this course conduction at the initial level of course during the chapter” Parents: Life & Living” with an objective for exploring three-dimensional relationships for lifetime growth.


    A number of field & homework will be organized in a mutually agreed manner throughout the course.

    Assignment and presentation tips:

    Students will be asked for using Google to search and find enter-educative tools including slides, documents, movies and others for every chapter. Relevant films and video clips will be downloaded by respective students to explore global learning opportunities from the sky. Final presentations will be done by students with proper guidance from respective course teachers.

    A lot of researches have been done in order to develop and strategize the effective ways on the process of learning for students. For developing students with creative thinking in a modern world of today, we need to always be well ahead of everyone and that is why the mind map concept is important to students who want to achieve their dreams. This method is a thinking process which involves graphical way in representing ideas and concepts. 

AssignmentTransforming Failure into Success