Topic outline

  • Welcome to online class

    Dear Students, I would like to invite you all to the Business Law Class. I know that you are undergoing a different situation due to the COVID-19 attack all over the world. However, I firmly believe that we, human beings, will be able to overcome this crisis shortly, InsyAllah. I hope your active participation will help us make this class more interactive, enjoyable, and effective.

    Course Introduction:

    Course Name: Business law
    Course Code: Law-107
    Credits: 3

    Course Instructor: 

    Md. Safiullah
    Assistant Professor
    Mobile: 01716592169


    Class Schedule:

    Sunday: 01.00 PM
    Sunday: 2.30 PM

  • Introduction

    Guideline for the course:

    1. All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle and can find all the course materials here.
    2. Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on the course "Announcement" and you have to be active and check it regularly.
    3. One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lectures Students have to give their feedback on this forum and marks will be given for their feedback
    4. All the students have to submit a copy of their assignment, special tasks or reports under specific section created here and for this they will be graded here.
    5. All the quizzes and presentation will be held on the face to face class and maybe a few of the class will be held online (Moodle) and it will be announced before the class. 
    Exception: During Spring-2021 semester, all the classes will be conducted online using "Google Meet". Recorded audio and video class lectures will be uploaded here along with the class lecture materials like Slides, Docs or PDFs.
    6. The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given hereunder each of the section (quizzes, midterm, and final)
    7. There are midterm and final exam preparation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.
    8. There will be attached materials, videos, or website links with every lecture. You are requested to check out those before every class for better understanding.
    9. At the end of the course, there is a feedback section where every student must write their opinion.

    Course Description:

    Everything that relates to our society is governed by laws and business is no exception. Business law refers to the laws that apply to business entities, such as partnerships and corporations. In another sense, business law or commercial law is simply a body of law that governs every aspect with regards to conducting business. This covers but not limited to the commerce of the sea, transportation of goods, guarantees, marine life, and natural disasters pertaining to the economic status and business relations, life of the people concerned, employment, intellectual property, insurances, and conformities of partnerships.

    Course Objectives:

    The main objectives are:

    • To know the basic knowledge and the development of Business Law in Bangladesh;
    • To attain knowledge regarding the application of Business Laws to solve business-related disputes,
    • To correlate a relationship between the Law of Contract and other Business laws;

    Course Contents:

    1. Business Concepts: Basic elements of Business, Business Organization; Forms of Business ownership, Formalities, and Distinguishing features of each form of ownership, Development of Joint-Stock Companies in Bangladesh, State Enterprises, Business Combination, Co-operative Societies in Bangladesh, Institutions for Promotion of Business, Trade Practices in Bangladesh. Introduction to the functional and support areas of business: Marketing, production, finance, human resource, accounting,   Issues in the environment: Govt., society, ethics, and globalization.

    2. Law of Sale of Goods: Sale and agreement to sell, Formalities of the Contract of Sale, Subject-matter of Contract, The Price, Conditions, and Warranties, Transfer of Property between seller and buyer, Transfer of Title, Delivery of Goods, Right and Lien of unpaid seller against the goods, Stoppage in Transit, Remedial Measures.

    3. Law of Negotiable Instruments: Definition, Characteristics and Types of Negotiable Instruments, Promissory Notes, Bills and Cheques, Special Provisions Relating to Cheques, Parties to Negotiable Instruments, Presentation of Negotiable Instruments, Dishonour and Discharge of Negotiable Instruments

    4. Law of Carriage: Contract of carriage, Classification of carriers, Common Carriers, Carriage of Goods by Land, Carriage of Goods by Sea, Carriage of Goods by Air

    5. Partnersip: Nature and Definition of partnership, History of partnership Law in Indian Sub-continent, the distinction between the partnership firm, Relations between the Partners, Registration of a Firm, Dissolution of a firm, Don sequences of Dissolution of a Firm.

    6. Law of Insurance

    Nature and Principles of Insurance, Fundamental Principles, Premium Policy, Re-insurance, Double insurance, Marine Insurance, Fire Insurance, Life Insurance

    7. Law of Insolvency

    Principles and Objects of the Insolvency Law, Procedure of Insolvency, Property and Debts of Insolvent, Discharge of Insolvent

    8. Money Launderings Act

    Scope, the object of the Act, duties, and responsibilities of commercial banks under the Money Laundering Act.

  • Topic-1, Lecture No-1 & 2 (Concept on Business Law)

    Topic Introduction and Guidelines:

    This topic is discussed about the basic knowledge on Business law and the laws which are very much to run as well as to operate the business. Students are asked to gather knowledge from the lecture notes/materials to fulfill the objectives of this lecture.  Moreover, students will try to reflect their knowledge in the discussion forum by preparing answers as mentioned in-class activity.

    Learning Objective:

    To introduce the students to the basic notion of business law that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    •    get an idea about business laws;
    •    know how a businessman establishes his right by applying laws.
    •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

    Contents of Lecture:

    • Definition/ Concept on Business Law
    • Types of Business Law
    • Scope of Business Law
    • Origin of Business Law
    • Sources of Business Law
    • Objectives of Business Law
    • Problems of Business Law
    • Requirements of Effective Business Law
    • Discussion Questions
    • Review Questions

  • Topic-2, Lecture 3 & 4 on Sale of Goods Act

    Topic Introduction and Guidelines:

    This topic is discussed about the basic knowledge of the Sale of Goods Act and the laws that are very much to run as well as to operate the business. This topic will cover two things, one is understanding the contract of sale of goods and another one is subject matter of the sale of goods. Students are asked to gather knowledge from the lecture notes/materials to fulfill the objectives of this lecture.  Moreover, students will try to reflect their knowledge in the discussion forum by preparing answers as mentioned in-class activities.

    Lecture Objective:

    The main objectives are:

    1. To introduce the students to the basic notion in Contract of sale of Goods
    2.  To familiarize the student with common problems regarding the Contract of sale of Goods.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    •    get an idea about the Contract of sale of Goods;
    •    know how Contract of sale of goods is made.
    •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts to ensure the rights of the parties of the contract;

    Contents of Lecture:

    • What is the Contract of sale of Goods
    • What are essential elements of the Contract of Sale of Goods
    • The subject matter of Sale of Goods

  • Topic-3, Lecture No 05, & 06 (Condition and Warranty)

    Lecture Objective:

    To introduce the students to the basic notion in Condition and Warranty that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    •    get an idea about the condition and Warranty;
    •    know how a condition and Warranty is made to establish the rights of an infringed party.
    •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

    Contents of Lecture:

    • Concept on Condition and Warranty
    • Distinction between the Condition and warranty
    • When a breach of a condition be treated as a breach of a warranty

  • Topic-4, Lecture No-7& 8 ( Performance of Contract and Rights & Duties of Seller and Buyer)

    Lecture Objective:

    To introduce the students to the basic notion in performance of the sale of goods that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    Contents of Lecture:

    • Concept on Performance of a contract of sale
    • Modes of Delivery:

  • Topic-5, Quiz-1

    Dear Students 

    The syllabus of our first quiz is 'Concept on Business Law and the Sale of Goods Act'. There will be 3 questions, you have to answer two questions and both of those will be analytical. You have to answer both of the questions carrying 7.50 marks each and you have to complete in 60 minutes. You have to give relevant legal provisions, contemporary examples, and case references while answering the question.

    General Instruction:

    The first quiz will be held after the end of the lecture no 5. The specific date and time have been mentioned below:

    Date: 06/02/22,   Time: 2.15 PM,   Duration-60 Minutes

    The following instruction will be followed there:

    1. It can be taken by BLC platform.

    2. It can be an analytical form like the discussion in a group.

    Assessment rubrics:

    Total Marks will be 15, which will be counted under the following headings:

    1. The analytical power of the students

    2. Depth of knowledge

    3 Application of knowledge


    • Concept on Business Law
    • The Sale of Goods Act

  • Topic-7, Lecture No-9, 10 & 11 (Partnership)

    Topic Introduction and Guidelines:

    The topic is discussed about the basic knowledge on  Partnership firms and the rights and liabilities of partners. Students are asked to gather knowledge from the lecture notes/materials to fulfill the objectives of this lecture.  Moreover, students will try to reflect their knowledge in the discussion forum by preparing answers as mentioned in-class activity.

    Learning Objective:

    To introduce the students to the basic notion in Partnership firm that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    •    get an idea about Partnership firm;
    •    know-how is a Partnership firm established and a partner eastablish his right by applying laws.
    •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

    Contents of Lecture:

    • Definition
    • Kinds of Partnership
    • Kinds of Partners
    • Formation of partnership
    • Partnership Deed
    • Registration of Partnership
    • Effects of Non-Registration:

  • Topic-4, Lecture No-6,7&8 (Negotiable Instrument)

    Learning Objective:

    To introduce the students to the basic notion in Negotiable Instrument firm that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

    Lecture Outcome:

    By the end of the semester, students will

    •    get an idea about Negotiable Instrument;
    •    know how a Negotiable Instrument applies to establish rights of infringed party.
    •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

    Contents of Lecture:

    • Definition
    • Characteristics
    • Types of Negotiable Instrument

  • Topic-5, Instruction to Mid-term Examination

    Mid-term Syllabus:

    • Introductory Chapter
    • Sale of Goods Act
    • Partnership AcT
    Mid-term Marks Distribution:
    The total marks are 25. There will be analytical questions. The student has answer two/three-question out of three. All questions will be of equal value.

    Assessment rubrics:

    1. The analytical power of the students

    2. Depth of knowledge

    3 Application of knowledge

    Date and Time:

    Date: 03/09/2021
    Time: 01.30-04.00 PM
    • Topic-6, Assignment & Presentation

      Dear students,

      You are instructed to go through the following guidelines:

      1. Read out the instruction as mentioned in the platform.

      2. Write down your name and ID where it is necessary.

      3. You may write down the link for presentation at the BLC platform and attach files for Assignment.

    • Topic-10, Quiz for preparation

      The third quiz will be held after the end of the lecture no 10. The specific date and time will be announced soon. The following instruction will be followed there:

      1. It can be taken either online platform like Kahoot or google form

      2. It can be an analytical form like the discussion in a group.

      Assessment rubrics:

      1. The analytical power of the students

      2. Depth of knowledge

      3 Application of knowledge


      • Topic-11, Lecture 16, 17,&, 18 (Cheque)

        Lecture Objective:

        To introduce the students to the basic notion in a cheque that are important to business people and to familiarize the student with common problems.

        Lecture Outcome:

        By the end of the semester, students will

        •    get an idea about cheque.
        •    know how a suit can be file for dihonour of cheque
        •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

        Contents of Lecture:

        • Definition
        • Parties to Cheque
        • Types of Cheque
        • Dishonour of cheque
        • Consequence of cheque for having dishonoured:

      • Topic-13, Lecture 19 & 20, (Bill of Exchange)

        Lecture Objective:

        The main objectives are:

        1. To introduce the students to the basic notion in Condition and Warranty
        2.  To familiarize the student with common problems regarding the bill of exchange.

        Lecture Outcome:

        By the end of the semester, students will

        •    get an idea about the Bill of Exchange;
        •    know how a Bill of Exchange is made.
        •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

        Contents of Lecture:

        1. Definition of Bill of Exchange
        2. Parties of Bill of Exchange
        3. Elements of a Bill of Exchange:
        4. Bill of Exchange Vs. Promissory note

      • Carriage of Goods

        Topic Introduction and Guidelines:

        This topic is discussed about the carriage of Goods in Business law and the laws which are very much to run as well as to operate to carry the goods in the business. Students are asked to gather knowledge from the lecture notes/materials to fulfill the objectives of this lecture.  Moreover, students will try to reflect their knowledge in the discussion forum by preparing answers as mentioned in-class activity.

        Lecture Objective:

        The main objectives are:

        1. To introduce the students to the basic notion in the carriage of Goods
        2.  To familiarize the student with common matters regarding the Carriage of Goods.

        Lecture Outcome:

        By the end of the semester, students will

        •    get an idea about the Carriage of Goods;
        •    know the rights and liabilities of the common carrier, consignor, and consignee.
        •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

        Contents of Lecture:

        1. Definition of the common carrier.
        2. Parties of carriage of goods
        3. Elements of a contract of carriage of goods:
        4. The Basic discussion on the carriage of goods by sea and land.

      • Insurance

        Topic Introduction and Guidelines:

        This topic is discussed about the Insurance in Business law and the laws which are very much to run as well as to operate to carry the goods in the business. Students are asked to gather knowledge from the lecture notes/materials to fulfill the objectives of this lecture.  Moreover, students will try to reflect their knowledge in the discussion forum by preparing answers as mentioned in-class activity.

        Lecture Objective:

        The main objectives are:

        1. To introduce the students to the basic notion in the Insurance
        2.  To familiarize the student with how insurance regulated by relevant laws.

        Lecture Outcome:

        By the end of the semester, students will get an idea about the Insurance Policy.

        •    know the rights and liabilities of the Insurer.
        •    be familiar with the equitable process and its application in Courts;

        Contents of Lecture:

        • What is Insurance
          Meaning of Insurer, Insured, Insurable Interest, Insurance Policy:

          Insurance Policy

          Types/Kinds of Insurance:

      • Quiz-3


        Dear Students 

        The syllabus for the third quiz is given below. There will be MCQ type questions, you have to answer all the questions within the prescribed minutes.

        Assessment rubrics:

        1. The analytical power of the students

        2. Depth of knowledge

        3 Application of knowledge

        Syllabus: Overall notion on Business Law

        • Topic-12 , Final Assessment

          Final Exam Syllabus:

          • Negotiable Instrument
          • The carriage of Goods by land and sea
          • Insurance

          Final exam Marks Distribution:

          The total marks of the final exam are 40. There will be analytical questions. The student has answer three/four-questions out of three. All questions will be of equal value.

          Assessment rubrics:

          1. The analytical power of the students

          2. Depth of knowledge

          3 Application of knowledge

          • Student Feedback

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