Topic outline

  • WELCOME to Computer Architecture and Organization

      OBE Front

  • Week-1-- (Introduction and History of Computing [Chap-1] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    * The term Computer architecture & organization and differences between them.

    * High-level structures & functions of computers.

    * Evolution of computers, Performance evaluation of computing systems.

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

    * Identify the basics organization of a computing system.

    * Differentiate between the concept of architecture and organization.

    Resources of Learning:

    * Lesson 1: Introduction and Overview.

    * Lesson 2: History of Computing.

  • Week-2-- (Evolution of Computers [Chap-1] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    * The evolution of computers

    * Mechanical computers

    * Electrical computers

    * Babbage's analytical engine

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

    * Identify the differences between electrical & mechanical computers

    * Understand the structure of the analytical engine

    * Understand the phases of computer evolution

    Resources of Learning:

    * Lesson 3: Comparison between electrical and mechanical computers.

    * Lesson 4: Evolution of computers.

  • Week-3-- (Performance Evaluation [Chap-1] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    * The performance evaluation of computers

    * Details of first-generation computers

    * Details of second-generation computers

    * Details of third-generation computers

    * Details of fourth-generation computers

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

    * Understand to evaluate the performance of first-generation computers.

    * Understand to evaluate the performance of second-generation computers.

    * Understand to evaluate the performance of third-generation computers.

    * Understand to evaluate the performance of fourth-generation computers.

    Resources of Learning:

    * Lesson 5: Performance evaluation of computing systems.

    * Lesson 6: Continuation of Performance evaluation of computing systems.

  • Week-4-- (System Design and Representation [Chap-2] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    • System representation and design process.
    • Register and gate-level design.

    Expected Learning Outcomes: 

    • Introduction to system representation, behavior and function of systems, and design process.
    • Learn different types of design processes and levels.

    Resources of Learning: 

    • Lesson 7: System representation and design process.
    • Lesson 8: Register and gate-level design.

    • Opened: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 12:30 PM
    • Opened: Friday, 1 April 2022, 8:03 PM
      Closed: Friday, 1 April 2022, 8:42 PM
  • Week-5-- (Processor Level Design [Chap-2] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    • Processor-level design components.
    • Memory organization and System interconnection.

    Expected Learning Outcomes: 

    • Learn different components of processor level design.
    • Recognize the concept of cache memory in modern computers. 
    • Identify and differentiate among various system interconnection.

    Resources of Learning: 

    • Lesson 9: Processor level design.
    • Lesson 10: Continuation of  Processor level design.

  • Week-6-- (Data Representation and Encoding [Chap-3] )

    Topics of Discussion:

    * Computer data representation for numbers and characters.

    * Computer numbers encoding.

    Expected Learning Outcomes:

    * Learn different computer numbers representation and conversion.

    * Recognize the concept of encoding and data representation.

    Resources of Learning:

    * Lesson 7: Data representation and encoding.

    * Lesson 8: Review on Mid Term Topics.

  • Week-7 - (MID-TERM EXAM WEEK)

    Mid Exam Banner

    • Opened: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 2:00 PM
      Due: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 6:00 PM
    • Opened: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 2:00 PM
      Due: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 6:00 PM
  • Week-8-- (Processor Basics)

    Topics of Discussion:

    • Instruction set characteristics
    • Basic CPU design
    • Processor Basics

    Expected Learning Outcomes: 

    • Enhance the concept of instruction sets in modern computers.
    • Identify the characteristics and functions of instruction sets.

    Resources of Learning: 

    • Lesson 13: Instruction set characteristics.
    • Lesson 14: Basic CPU design.

  • Week-9-- (Processor Basics... Continuation)

    Topics of Discussion:

    • CPU design with ASM chart and Flowchart.
    • Endian mode types.
    • Discussion on Addressing modes with examples.
    • Discussion on RISC and CISC processor.

    Expected Learning Outcomes: 

    • Realize the concept of ASM chart & flowchart design of the CPU.
    • Understand the Little and Big Endian modes and their purposes.
    • Identify different Addressing modes, their types, and learn about their operation.
    • Enhance the concept of processor functionalities.

    Resources of Learning: 

    • Lesson 15: Continuation of Basic CPU design.
    • Lesson 16: Addressing modes and types of operations.

    • Week-10-- (Instruction Pipelining)

      Topics of Discussion:

      • Pipelining strategy and performance.
      • Pipelining Timing diagram analysis with ideal & conditional or unconditional branching cases. 
      • Pipeline hazards and measures against pipeline hazards.

      Expected Learning Outcomes: 

      • Realize the concept of instruction pipelining in modern computers.
      • Appreciate the importance of pipelining in computer processing.
      • Identify various pipeline hazards and their possible remedies.

      Resources of Learning: 

      • Lesson 17: Pipelining strategy, performance.
      • Lesson 18: Pipeline hazards and measures against pipeline hazards.

    • Week-11-- (Cache Memory)

      Topics of Discussion:

      • Concept of Cache Memory
      • Memory hierarchy 
      • Cache Memory Mapping
      • Replacement algorithm

      Expected Learning Outcomes: 

      • Recognize the concept of cache memory in modern computers. 
      • Ability to differentiate the term Memory and Storage.
      • Able to learn and identify the different cache memory mapping concept. 
      • Able to understand how the replacement algorithm works.

      Resources of Learning: 

      • Lesson 19: Memory hierarchy and introduction to cache memory.
      • Lesson 20: History of Computing.

    • Week-12-- (Virtual Memory)

      Topics of Discussion:

      • Introducing the concept of Virtual Memory. 
      • Virtual Memory Mapping process and Address translation.
      • Swap in and Swap out.
      • Concept of Paging and page table. 

      Expected Learning Outcomes: 

      • A clear understanding of the working procedure of virtual memory. 
      • Able to understand how to address translation works.
      • Learn the concept of paging and page tables.

      Resources of Learning: 

      • Lesson 21: Introduction to virtual memory.
      • Lesson 22: Demand Paging.

    • Week-13-- (QUIZ and Review Week)

      Lesson 23: Presentation and Open-Ended discussion.

      Lesson 24: Review of Final exam topics.

      • Opened: Saturday, 14 May 2022, 8:00 PM
        Closed: Saturday, 14 May 2022, 8:40 PM
      • Opened: Friday, 20 May 2022, 7:00 PM
        Closed: Friday, 20 May 2022, 7:35 PM
    • Week-14 - (FINAL EXAM WEEK)

      Final exam Banner

    • Topic 15