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Suggestion of CE 447
Daffodil International UniversityEmail: 01715334075
The objectives of this CE 447 : Climate Change & Sustainable Development is to empower and equip current and future generations to meet their needs using a balanced and integrated approach to the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to –
Date: 1st November, 2021
Time: 8pm - 8:45 pm
Duration: 10 mins
There will be MCQ and TF
Learning objectives:
This chapter will help to know the
Lesson contents:
Click the following links to watch interesting videos related to Lesson 1
Weather and Climate
Causes and Effects of Climate Change
Who is Responsible for Climate Change? Who needs to fix this?
Is it too Late to Stop Climate Change?
These videos are provided for your better understanding on the course content along with my lecture. I hope you these will enhance your interests.
You may not understand everything from this particular video. That's absolutely fine. Just make sure that you understand the basic concept.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to know
Lesson Contents:
you must attend this activity to secure one attendance
Prepare Power point presentation on anyone of the following topics. Also prepare a presentation video on the topic. This is an individual effort, i.e. every student have to prepare his own presentation and video presentation. You have to upload power point slide and presentation video in your google drive and provide the link in the presentation assignment as a link in the online text. Please see the YouTube videos have provided you, if you need any assistance regarding the presentation submission. Your power point slide should not be more than 4 slides. (Maximum 4 slides) Your video presentation should not be more than 5 minutes. (Maximum 5 minutes) Deadline: 14.6.22 [Marks distribution— Power point: Structure: 2, completeness: 2. Video presentation: Clarity, delivery, formality: 1, completeness: 1. Uniqueness of topic: 2. 2+2+1+1+2 = 8 marks] N.B.: There is some bonus point for choosing unique topic and penalty marks deduction for plagiarism from other students. Some sample topics are:
1. MDG 2. Carbon tax
3. Zero emission
4. Sustainable development goal
5. Indexing sustainable development
6. Climate change in Bangladesh
7. EIA
And etc. It can be beyond the topics I have covered in my lectures.