Section outline



    Welcome to the ‘Adolescent Health’ class. I am Golam Dostogir Harun, (Assistant professor, Part-time faculty) and I am the course teacher for this course for Summer 2022. I will be with you for the next four months. Adolescent health is a very important public health issue that needs to be addressed. In this course, you will find a lot of interesting things to learn which will provide you with the knowledge and skills which will help you to face the challenges of the modern Era. Hoping to have a nice time with you all


    WHO | Infographics on adolescent health

    RationaleThe purpose of this course is to prepare health professionals in the health sector and related disciplines who will be able to plan, organize and manage various activities in the field of adolescent health

    Course Objectives:

    • The course covers adolescent growth and development, and adolescent sexuality.
    • The course specially deals with the adolescent sexual and reproductive health issues, components and care of ASRH, and the situation in developed and developing countries perspective.
    • It will also explore the magnitude and consequences of adolescent pregnancy.
    • This course will also analyze the emotional, behavioral and mental health problems of adolescents. The different policies, programs and strategies to improve adolescent health will be also dealt here.
    Course Content

    • Adolescent Health: introduction and Ecological Model
    • Adolescent development: Pubertal, cognitive. social, and neurological
    • Adolescence in a Social Context
    • Risk behaviors of adolescent
    • Substance abuse in adolescents
    • ASRH situation: global, developed and developing country’s perspective
    • Consequences and magnitude of adolescent pregnancy
    • Emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges in
    • Adolescent delinquency

    Assessment Strategy

    Attendance            10

    Quiz (2)                   10

    Assignment           10

    Presentation           5

    Mid Term              25

    Final                       40

    Recommended Books:

    1.       International Handbook on Adolescent Health and Development
    The Public Health Response

    Editors: Cherry, Andrew L., Baltag, Valentina, Dillon, Mary E. (Eds.)

    2.       Adolescent Health Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors:

    Ralph J. Di Clemente (Editor), John S. Santelli (Editor), Richard A. Crosby (Editor)

    ISBN: 978-0-470-17676-4

    Jun 2009, Jossey-Bass

    Enrollment Key : GDH-2022

    Class Link: 

  • Lecture Objectives:

    a) to study pubertal change in adolescents and mechanism of onset of puberty

    b) to learn the cognitive development in adolescents

    c) to understand the concept of socio-emotional changes during adolescent period

    d) To find out the neurological changes occurring during adolescence

    Learning outcome

    At the end of the lecture the students will be able to

    a)explain the puberty process in adolescence and the physical changes occurring in males and females

    b) Understand the complex behavior of the adolescents related to cognitive changes

    c) Explore the social -emotional changes and social expectation from them

    d) Learn the neurological changes that transforms the adolescent brain

    Lecture Content:

    a) Puberty process

    b) Cognitive changes in adolescents leading to teen -parent conflict

    c)Socio-emotional changes and resiliency

    d) Changes in adolescent brain

  • Learning Objectives:

    a) to understand the 4 key factors of adolescents in a social context

    b) to learn the social forces impacting families worldwide

    c) to understand the core function of family and the changes occurring in families over the course of time

    d) to describe  parenting style and its effect on adolescents

    e) to demonstrate resilient framework with risk and protective factors

    Learning outcome:

    At the end of the lecture the student will be able to

    a) identify the four key factors of adolescents in a social context

    b) to understand the concept of family and how industrial revolution changed the social norms

    c) to learn key dimensions of effective parenting

    d) to describe the elements of a resilient family

    Lecture content:

    a) Adolescence in a social context with family ,peer,school and neighborhood

    b)Definition of family with core functions

    c) Parenting styles

    d) Resiliency and elements of a resilient family

  • Adolescent Health- IMPH Summer 2022

    QUIZ COMPETITION Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Legal Sarcasm

    June 17, 2022 (Friday)

    4.30 pm to 5 pm (Somali Time):  7.30 PM- (BD time)

  • Lecture objectives:
    a) to describe the growth and development of adolescent and importance of nutrition in this vulnerable stage of life
    b) to learn the cognitive changes and risk taking behavior leading to nutritional deficiency
    c) to understand the nutritional issues in adolescence
    d) to learn about  the eating disorder in adolescence

    Learning outcome
    At the end of the lecture the student will be able to
    a) understand the relation between risk taking behavior and its relation to poor nutritional status
    b)describe the consequence of nutritional imbalance and its link to adult chronic disease
    c) to learn in details about Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
    d) to discuss the nutritional interventions for adolescents

    Lecture content:
    a) Adolescent growth and development and cognitive change
    b) Nutritional issues in adolescents
    c)Risk behaviors and sedentary life style
    d) Eating disorders and its consequences

  • Karnataka II PUC midterm exam 2021: PUE proposes changes in the examination  system - Times of India

    June 21, 2022 @ 8.30 PM Somali and 11.30 PM BD time

    Mid-Term Examination Instructions

    1) Mid-term exam will be out of 25 marks           

    2) There will be 5 MCQ/True or False          

    3) 3  short questions

    4) Two creative/broad questions


    1.5  hours

    Marks distribution

    MCQ/T& F                    05

    Short question               06     

    Creative/ broad/ analytic question     14



  • Final Examination’s Marks Distribution & Time  Distribution  are as below:

    Quiz                           10 Marks

    Short Questions       18 Marks

    Creative question     12 Marks
       Date: June 29, 2022
    Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm  BD time

    Total Duration 2 hours

    Total marks 40

    • Adolescent Health

      On a Beige Background, a Notebook with the Words FINAL EXAM, Bright  Felt-tip Pens and Stickers Stock Image - Image of alphabet, examination:  210027803

       Exam time and date:

      Date: June 29, 2022    Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm  BD time