Topic outline

  • General

    Instructions/Guideline for the course:

    • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle
    • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle.
    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle under  assignment section created here and for this they will be graded here.
    • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture Students have to give their feedback on these forum and marks will be given for their feedback
    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
    • All the quizzes and presentation will be held on face to face class and may be few of the class will be held on online (Moodle) and it will be announced before the class
    • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given here under each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final)
    • There are midterm and final exam preparation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.


    • Recognize the value of nutrition assessment in the comprehensive care of ambulatory and hospitalized patients.

    • Obtain an appropriate patient history, including medical, family, social, nutrition/dietary, physical activity, and weight histories; use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines, dietary and herbal supplements; and consumption of alcohol and other recreational drugs.

    • Demonstrate how to interpret physical findings that reflect nutritional status, including body mass index, waist circumference, growth and development, and signs of nutritional deficiency.

    • Describe the diagnosis, prevalence, health consequences, and etiology of obesity and malnutrition.

    • Identify the most common physical findings associated with vitamin/mineral deficiencies or excesses.

    • List the laboratory measurements commonly used to assess the nutritional status of patients

  • Course Teacher Profile

    Arifa sultana


    Working Hour : 8.30Am to 4.00pm

    Working Day: Saturday to Thursday
    Cell number:01762662481

  • Diet for cardiovascular disease

    Can Your Attitude Protect You From Heart Disease? - Information Nigeria


    • Identify cardiac risk factors for coronary artery disease in obese patients without known disease.

    • Describe other physical examination findings and screening and laboratory measurements relevant in a patient with disorders of lipid metabolism.

    • Describe the science-based nutritional and lifestyle recommendations for patients with disorders of lipid metabolism.

    • Apply the current AHA/ACC guidelines for screening, evaluation, and treatment of disorders of lipid metabolism.

    • Recognize the importance of medical nutrition therapy and lifestyle recommendations for treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.


    • Diagnosis of health condition
    • Prescription of appropriate nutritional advice

  • Overweight and obesity

    Childhood Overweight Infographic - 1,000 Days

    Objective & Outcomes

    Take an appropriate dietary and medical history including family history of overweight or obesity, and social history regarding physical activity, sedentary activity, and other lifestyle issues. Perform an appropriate physical examination for an overweight or obese child or adolescent; evaluate the patient for other signs and symptoms of chronic diseases associated with obesity (e.g., hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, etc.).Identify factors responsible for increasing weight in order to recommend suitable dietary or lifestyle changes. Recognize the importance of the patient and patient’s family involvement in making changes as well as the social, emotional, and psychological factors that may support the development of obesity and may influence the response to intervention.

  • Lab performance Fall2022

    • 10.30AM - 12.00 PM
    Question type:
    • All objective questions = mcq, T/F, matching

    • Based on disease pathology, diagnostic criteria, treatment guidelines and recommendations as per discussions in class
    Total marks:


    Resources for study:

    • Lecture file
    • class record
    • E-books, web or other resources (for only concept clearance)

    • Case study on T1DM & Ketoacidosis

      Lightning Learning: DKA in Adults — #EM3: East Midlands Emergency Medicine  Educational Media

    • Demonstration signs on malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies

      Marasmus | Protein-Energy Malnutrition - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis,  Treatment and Prevention

    • Chronic renal failure advancing to dialysis

      CRACKCast E097 - Renal Failure - CanadiEM

    • Final Exam

      Final exam syllabus:

      • Case studies on T1DM
      • Malnutrition
      • Overweigh and obesity

      Final Marks Distribution

      • Total marks for the exam will be 40 marks
      • Diet chart preparation will carry 10 marks approx.
      • The rest of the marks will be distributed in short and medium questions from concepts of various topics included in the syllabus

      • Transitional diets in hospital