Section outline
The "Advanced Wireless Communication Systems" course is designed to provide the students with in-depth knowledge of modern high-speed wireless communication systems. This course has two main components: wireless data communications, and fixed & wireless modern high-speed and multi-service Telecommunication networks. This course is also emphasized on developing essential industrial and commercial skills of the students to enhance their professional development in the rapidly expanding field of wireless communications. This knowledge will help them to apply in their higher studies and professional fields
Meet Your Instructor:
Md. Taslim Arefin is currently a PhD researcher at Jahangirnagar University in the department of computer Science and Engineering. Mr. Arefin received his MSc. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden in 2008. He received his BSc. Degree in Computer Engineering from American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB) in 2005. He started his teaching career in 2006 as lecturer and now he is holding the post of Associate Professor and Head at Daffodil International University in the department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. Mr. Arefin authored 40 referred journal/conference papers in National and International arena. He has supervised more than 80 B.Sc. / M.Sc. theses at Daffodil International University during the past years.
Cell: 01711227391, 01713493075
- Profile Link:
- Google Scholar Link:
Course Objectives:
- To develop profound knowledge in Advanced wireless communication networks.
- To acquire knowledge about modern wireless communication standards.
- To improve communication skill through presentation.
- To develop leadership quality through Group work.
- To build up decision-making ability through assignment.
- To expand confidence by doing various practical problems.
- To become efficient by solving real-life problems through case studies.
Course Instructions:
- There will be 3 credit hours teaching per week. Three classes will be taken 60 minutes each.
- DIU Moodle will be the only online teaching platform beside regular classes.
- Every student must join DIU Moodle.
- All assignments need to be submitted on Moodle.
- 5 CT will be taken. Best 3 will be considered.
- Bonus marking depends on 3 parameters such as Class Attendance, class participation and interaction in Moodle.
- Students must follow the course outline.
Class Routine:
Friday & Saturday : TBA
Join Class at Google Meet :
Objectives of this lecture:
- To teach the students about Mobile IP technology so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career.
Lecture Outcomes:
At the end of the session students will be able to :
- Learn the motivation of Mobile IP
- Describe Mobile IP operation
- Explain the problems and security issues in Mobile IP
Lecture Contents:
- Mobile IP features and impacts
- Mobility and standard IP routing
- Why Mobile IP?
- Mobile IP architecture
- Mobile IP operation
- Problems in Mobile IP
- Security in Mobile IP
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the session participant will be able to:
- Learn about the basics of Wireless Ad-hoc networks.
- Explain the characteristics and applications of Ad-hoc networks.
- Illustrate different routing protocols of wireless Ad-hoc networks.
Lecture Contents:
- The motivation of Ad-hoc Network
- Ad-hoc Network applications
- Routing in Ad-Hoc networks
- Table-driven, On-demand routing
- DSDV, CGSR, DSR, AODV routing protocols.
- Learn about the basics of Wireless Ad-hoc networks.
Date: 04.3.2022
Time: 03:00 pm
Syllabus: Mobile IP, Wireless Ad-hoc Network -
Date: 25.3.2022
Time: 3:00 pm
Syllabus: Propagation Model & Largescale loss -
Date: 12.4.2022
Time: 3:00 pm (BD Time)
Syllabus: Lecture Module 1,2 & 3. -
Date: 14.06.2022
Time: 8:00 pm
Syllabus: Advanced Switching techniques (X.25, Frame Relay, ATM) -
Objectives of this lecture:
- To teach the students about VOIP technology so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career
Lecture Outcomes:
At the end of the session participant will be able to :
- Learn Voice communication concept.
- Understand the voice transmission alternatives
- Explain the concept of VOIP
Lecture Content:
- Voice network concept
- Voice digitization
- Voice transmission alternatives
- What is VOIP
- How does VOIP work
- VOIP Standards (H.323, SIP)
- Voice network concept
Video Materials on VOIP
SIM Box As Gateway
VOIP Basics
Fraud Detection
- To teach the students about VOIP technology so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career
Submission Deadline: 05th August 2022 by 11:59 pm-
Write an assignment on Future Generation wireless technologies. How is it impactful in our personal social and professional life style?
Upload your Course presentation here:
Submission deadline : August 05, 2022 by 23:59. -
Final Examination Schedule:
Date: 5th August, 2022
Time: 08:00 pm - 11:00 pm (BD time)